noun: (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything
noun: a very small piece of dust
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"Have you remembered that, in my transcendent state, as I looked at the rocks, sand, mountains, water below me in the Dead Sea, all appeared to be as a 'shimmer of motes'? Rock, sand, mountains, water were differentiated one from the other, only by the difference in the intensity of the 'shimmer of motes' and by the apparent density of motes within the shimmer.
There is no other way I can describe what I saw when on earth or convey the facts concerning the true substance of 'matter' and the apparently solid fabric and construction of your world.
In modern speech, you would probably call the 'shimmer of motes', a vibration of particles.
Perhaps you could combine the two terms and describe the most fundamental visible 'reality', as a 'shimmer of particles'. This conveys the sense of the 'light glow' in which I saw the particles dance." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 3, page 4]
"As I revealed to you in Letter 1, during the time I received full illumination in the desert, I was shown that 'matter' was not really solid. I was not given to understand exactly how the electrical particles which I termed the 'shimmer of motes' took on the appearance of visible 'matter'. I only knew that these 'motes' were moving at high frequencies of speed within 'GOD MIND' and 'GOD MIND' was therefore universal.
I perceived that 'GOD MIND' was both the creator - and substance - of all things within creation itself. Of this, I was absolutely certain.
I also 'saw' very clearly that human thought, when fraught with conviction or emotion, radically affected this process of materialisation of visible forms.
Therefore the human mind could - and did - interfere with the true intention of 'GOD MIND'." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 5, page 6]
The Christ Letters
Whatever is visible within the universe is mind/consciousness made visible through the vibration of the ‘motes’ (which science terms ‘particles’).
Changes in the ‘vibration of motes’, hence changes in ‘matter’, take place as a result of a powerfully directed, disciplined, focused movement/imagery in mind/consciousness energy. [The Christ Letters, Letter 3]
See Also