In Nature both temperature-groups are active in every healthy organism.
This is necessary because the formative and uplifting levitational essences evolve from the higher temperature group A and the purging dissociative [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
"In the outbirth of water we have to differentiate between two different kinds. Namely water as a carrier-substance that contains predominantly negative potentialities (substances attuned to earth frequencies) or predominantly positive potentialities (substances attuned to air frequencies). The former are to be viewed as upwardly-impelling geospheric instrumentalities and the latter as downwardly-impelling atmospheric instrumentalities. The former refine and exalt the higher-grade constituents, i.e. they serve the build-up of levitative potencies. The latter serve to cleanse the atmosphere of suspended matter, which as threshold substances still possess too little self-weight and too high a quota of levitative essences and can neither rise nor fall. It is these threshold substances that can be transformed and exalted through cycloid-space-curve motion. From a practical point of view, this is only possible through their co-oscillation with their respective carrier-substances, be it air or water. This leads to a build-up of those substances incapable of further development, resulting in a renewed intensification of the differences in potential through the spacial separation of the difference-substances. The end result is an increased motive force. This explains the concept of perpetual motion in its most natural sense." [Viktor Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 118, p. 8.] [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, THE NATURE OF WATER - ITS CONDUCTION AND USE FOR TRANSPORT]
See Also
dualistic formative, levitative and life-affirming force
formative and levitative current
formative and levitative energy
formative and levitative force
formative and levitative substance
levitational essence
levitative current
levitative energy
levitative force
levitative potencies
levitative power
levitative substance