Apart from those who are happy to extract Nature's failed products such as oil, directly from the ground, there are others who make it their life's work, so to speak, to earn their living by meddling in wise Nature's affairs. These species of human being are commonly called chemists, who are known to produce products of fermentation without taking Nature's dynamic processes into account. Without this there is no possibility for reproduction and further development of any kind, because things possessing these properties have come into being through movement, during which differences in temperature arise that initiate intermediate metabolic processes. These then give rise to flow-alternating processes that engender products of organic synthesis, which is what concerns us here. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
See Also
Celestial Intermediate
inner metabolic processes
Intermediate Axis Theorem
intermediate note
intermediate space
intermediate substance
intermediate tints
intermediate tone
intermediate tones
metabolic function
metabolic process
primary metabolic process
two metabolic processes