
In a word, after decades-long observations, trials and series of experiments, I succeeded in getting to the bottom of this mysterious double-game of Nature's and in becoming aware of the unspeakable ferocity and purest mother-love that are united behind her two eternally concealed faces. I came to recognise the scales of fate of all life upon which every action is scrupulously weighed after death and that whatever is no longer fit for the next higher evolutive progression is once more ruthlessly eliminated, it being of too inferior a quality for its metaphysical transformation into exalted entities in the form of the above formative and levitative current. It has to return to greater or lesser depths within the Earth to interact with those vibratory influences in such a way that out of these basic substances new formative and levitative energies evolve for a renewed attempt to rise. It is these revitalised substances, whose higher forms of cooling essences possess expanding and upwardly impelling functions, which make this resurrection possible. Falling and concentrating light- and heat-forms then subsequently ensure the intermediate solidification of 'what is destined to vegetate', namely the actual physical form of growth in which the counter-energies also reside, which initiate the further interactions that enable this intermediate assembly of raw materials to grow, to reproduce and further evolve itself. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday August 1, 2022 05:03:19 MDT by Dale Pond.