''"We often gain greater comprehension regarding new ideas which we are trying to master by repeating them in other words and other forms which have the same meaning but are approached from different angles. For this reason read the following two paragraphs slowly - and with great concentration.
As the cold blue light-threads of space spiral across their wave field equator toward their north pole - which, likewise, is their gravitative center -they compress and turn red - then orange - then yellow-white because of generating cold into heat as their inward spiral twistings wind light up into compressed incandescent spheres of high electric potential.''
"Conversely, as the red light threads spirally recross their wave field equator toward their south pole - which likewise, is their radiative center - they expand from yellow to green - then to blue and blue violet, because they radiate heat into cold as their opening spirals unwind those hot visible spheres into cold invisible ones, for rebirth into visible ones.
"Do you realize that what is written in the above two paragraphs is all there is to the whole physical universe of living-dying bodies of matter? We have but described two ways of seeming motion which forever manufacture visible and invisible pairs of bodies. These continually interchange with each other so that each half alternately becomes the other half. This interchange is repeated eternally, forever and forever. That is what CREATION is - just a Mind-imagined journey from rest in the Light, to rest in the Light.
"Do you realize what this means? For one example consider our sun which centers the four or five hundred million mile disc - or cone base, upon which our planets spiral outward into their depolarizing oblivion.
"In order for that hot dense sun to shine in the skies as it does there must be an equal and opposite minus black negative hole on the other side of its equator. Some future day, aeons upon aeons hence, our sun will shine where that evacuated black hole now is - and our planets will radiate away
"from their parent sun toward their depolarizing zero just as they now do in their present position. Their reincarnation in their own pattern is as true regarding solar systems as they are regarding man, and all resolving-dissolving, living-dying integrating-disintegrating things. Compression anywhere is balanced by equal expansion on the other side of their mutual equator. Each must become the other alternately. See Figures 101 and 102.
"Now read the following five supernal paragraphs with equal concentration.
"CREATION is an eternally continuous cosmic game of seesaw played between two electric body builders, destroyers and rebuilders which forever oscillate between hot centers of high potential compressed spherical solids, and cold centers of equally high potential expanded spherical holes, for the purpose of manifesting the IDEA of God's KNOWING by simulating that idea in the moving form images which manifest His THINKING. IDEA is never created. It is but SIMULATED.
"The fulcrum of the moving levers of the cosmic seesaw which gives to the universe its heartbeat, is the stillness of the undivided One Light which God's KNOWING is.
"The moving levers are the two equally opposed lights of the divided electric universe which God's THINKING is.
"Every measure of positive force developed by one extension of the lever from its fulcrum SIMULTANEOUSLY develops an equal negative force in the other extension. As the cosmic pendulum moves one way to manifest power its invisible counterpart moves the other way with equal power to pull it back for repetition.
"The motivating force which seemingly divides the One Light of universal rest into north pole centers of compression and south pole centers of expansion is DESIRE to create moving form images to manifest ideas which they but simulate.
"You are likely to become confused by the two references in paragraph 3 to high potential centers being equal in both positive and negative counterparts on opposite sides of equators. Let us be sure you understand this principle. High potential develops in the radial direction toward both centers and low potential develops in the direction which is radially away from both centers and toward mutual equators. Potential is zero at every dividing equator. Low potential then reverses to high as each opposite pulls away from its equator toward either of the two opposed centers.
"Witness, for example the two cells of a storage battery. The potential in each cell is equal. The power of one to pull inward, centripetally toward its center of gravitation, is equal to the power of the other to thrust outward, centrifugally, from its center of radiation. The equator of both opposed cells is between them. Potential is zero upon that plane, therefore, potential lowers to zero in the direction of depolarization and increases to maximum as polarization intensifies in the two polar directions.
"All particles of light which are ejected from either the cathode or anode poles as heretofore stated in earlier lessons, are negative “electrons' which are expanding and discharging as their potential lowers on their way to their common equator. Immediately they pass that zero plane they reverse their “charges'. Both become positive. They become “positrons'. Both are then charging.
"All light particles are alike. When found in different relation to their equators, and different positions and directions of motion, they are called by different names - such as neutrons - when they are on wave amplitudes - photons, positrons and other such names, when found in other parts of the wave.
"Nor are these few names all they have. All of the known ninety odd elements are made up of these same particles but all have different names when found in different positions in their waves.
"Elements exhibit different characteristics because of their differences in gyroscopic relation to equators and amplitude. If light particles are part of systems which rotate upon a plane near wave amplitude, we say they are iron, or copper, or boron, and many others.
"If their gyroscopic relation is on wave amplitudes - 90 degrees from wave axes- we say they are carbon, or silicon, or sodium chloride and many others. See Figure 103.
"Chemists and physicists commonly believe that all of the elements are different substances. There are no substances in the universe. There is naught but motion which simulates substance. Every difference in motion causes each so-called substance to seem to have different attributes.
"If we remember, however, that what we think of as different elements are but different pressure conditions of the same kind of light particles, our ability to understand God's ways will become simplified.
"A good example of the above statement which demonstrates that elements are not separate things, but just different pressure conditions, was given in lesson No. 37 which explained the fact that the metallic elements completely lose their metallic attributes when two opposite metals united as a salt. They also lost other attributes, such as ductility, malleability, conductivity or fusibility by heat or electric conductivity.
"It would be well to register the following very important fact about matter in your Mind at this point. All matter is formed in light waves. As there are no two points in any wave where the pressure is the same no two particles of matter can be the same in potential or condition.
"All forming matter is of the potential of its place of birth, therefore, all particles of matter float in orbits of equal potential in the system of their birth, always following their primaries, and always changing as their primaries change.
"The same particle of light which is now sodium, will progress all through the nine octaves of the elements, and be known by many names as its attributes change to the attributes which distinguish one element from another.
"In explaining the cube-sphere principle, and the division of the cube into its nine equators which not only enforce God's One Law of Balance, but determine the octave tones of the spectrum and the elements of matter, it is necessary to be more than explicit. The reason for this is because the entire basis of the principle lies hidden in the invisible universe beyond the powers of scientists to determine by research.
"Such knowledge can come only from the Consciousness of one who has been enabled to see the universe as a whole. Cosmic illumination makes that possible by not only freeing the mind from body limitations but by multiplying extra-sensory perception during the period of illumination to such an extraordinary extent that the sense perception reaches through the entire 360 degrees of the wave cycle, instead of but a small arc of that cycle.
"The more that humanity understands the inexorability of the workings of those balancing equators of Light which enforce universal balance in all things, the more mankind will understand the hopeless futility of defying God's law by working against it.
"Conversely, the more that mankind understands the tremendous power one gains by working WITH God's Law of Balance, the more mankind will advance individually and collectively as a transcendent race.
"Therefore, we again say to you that the measure of your power to find happiness, peace, prosperity and glory in masterly achievement lies in the measure of your KNOWLEDGE of God's ways and your DESIRE to make God's ways YOUR ways.
See Also
Compression Wave Velocity
Dissociating Water with Microwave
Figure 6.10 - Wave Dynamics between Cube Corners
Figure 6.9 - Russell depicts his waves in two ways
Figure 7.1 - Step 1 - Wave Vortex Crests at Maximum Polarization
Figure 8.1 - Russells Painting of Wave Form Dynamics
Figure 8.10 - Each Phase of a Wave as Discrete Steps
Figure 8.11 - Four Fundamental Phases of a Wave
Figure 8.14 - Some Basic Waveforms and their constituent Aliquot Parts
Figure 8.2 - Compression Wave Phase Illustration
Figure 8.3 - Coiled Spring showing Longitudinal Wave
Figure 8.4 - Transverse Wave
Figure 9.10 - Phases of a Wave as series of Expansions and Contractions
Figure 9.11 - Compression Wave with expanded and contracted Orbits
Figure 9.13 - Wave Flow as function of Periodic Attraction and Dispersion
Figure 9.14 - Wave Flow and Phase as function of Particle Rotation
Figure 9.15 - Wave Flow and Wave Length as function of Particle Oscillatory Rotation
Figure 9.5 - Phases of a Wave as series of Expansions and Contractions
Figure 9.9 - Wave Disturbance from 0 Center to 0 Center
Figure 12.10 - Russells Locked Potential Wave
Figure 12.12 - Russells Multiple Octave Waves as Fibonacci Spirals
Figure 13.13 - Gravity Syntropic and Radiative Entropic Waves
Figure 14.07 - Love Principle: Two sympathetic waves expanding from two points have one coincident centering locus
Figure 15.01 - Cavitation Bubbles Collapse in Sound Field
In the Wave lies the Secret of Creation
Letter from Bloomfield-Moore to Cornelia
Letter from Bloomfield-Moore to Dickson
Letter from Bloomfield-Moore to Leidy
Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore
Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore2
Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore3
Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore4
Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore5
Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore6
Letter from Keely to Bloomfield-Moore7
Letter from Kegan Paul to Bloomfield-Moore
Longitudinal Wave
Longitudinal Waves in Vacuum
Mrs. Bloomfield-Moore Dead
Nodal Waves
Rayleigh Wave
Shock Wave
sine wave
Standing Wave
Standing Waves
Table 12.02.01 - Wavelengths and Frequencies
Tachyon Field Theory
Three Main Parts of a Wave
Transverse Wave
Wave Field
wave number
3.02 - The Dispersion Mind Field
3.8 - There are no Waves
3.9 - Nodes Travel Faster Than Waves or Light
8.3 - Conventional View of Wave Motion
8.4 - Wave types and metaphors
8.5 - Wave Motion Observables
8.6 - Wave Form Components
8.8 - Water Wave Model
9.2 - Wave Velocity Propagation Questions
9.30 - Eighteen Attributes of a Wave
9.31 - Oscillatory Motion creating Waveforms
9.34 - Wave Propagation
9.35 - Wave Flow
Compression Wave
12.05 - Three Main Parts of a Wave
14.01 - Hints from Bloomfield-Moore
16.06 - Electric Waves are Sound Waves