The curved lines enclose the three chords of the major mode of the scale, with the ratio-numbers for the vibration in their simplest expression, counted, in the usual way in this work, from F1, the root of the major subdominant. The chords stand in their genetic position of F F C A, that is F1 by 2, 3, and 5; and so with the other two. The proportions for a set of ten pendulums are then placed in file with the ten notes from 1 to 1/2025 part of 1. Of course the one may be any length to begin with, but the proportions rule the scale after that. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 121]
See Also
cosmic pendulum
double compound pendulum
Figure 2.7 - Swinging Pendulum showing equal but opposed Polar States
Figure 8.9 - Four Fundamental Motions of a Pendulum
Ramsay - Pendulum Illustrations of Ratios
Ramsay - PLATE XXVIII - The Two Modes Notes Pendulums
Ramsay - PLATE XXX - Vibration Ratios and Pendulum Proportions
Ramsay - The New Way of Reckoning a Pendulum Oscillation
Ramsay - The Sharp and the Flat - Pendulum Illustration of Ratios
Sympathetic Oscillation
system of motions in pendulums
first condition in the first ratio
first condition of the second ratio
theory of relativity