Commentary December, 1988
Is this law the key to superconductivity? Sounds like it may just be that.
According to the idea presented in this law - if the particles of a conductor are of a harmonically related frequency to the electric frequency then the conductor will transmit the current without any resistance. Is this not the idea behind superconductivity?
Keely called this superconductivity - perfect concordant transmission or coincidental action - which is what is really taking place in the conductor when viewed from the quantum level. Resistance he would call interference to coincidental action. Depending on the degree of attunement between the electric current and the frequency of the conductor particles resistance is created to the passage of the electric current through the substance. Conversely, if there are discordant frequencies between them - the resistance can be so high as to prohibit transmission and the substance would be called an insulator.
He goes on to give the laws governing the mathematics of such a phenomenon. Those who have the required physics and engineering backgrounds might want to build the required mathematical formulas represented by this law. The potential of such a formula may well be worth the effort to work it out. It is hoped that credit be given where it is due.
His law states that the lower the temperature the higher the rate of transmission. This has been proven with the work done recently by and with superconductivity experiments.
Looking at a Periodic Table of the Elements (one of your choice as there is a difference between charts) we can see that copper, silver and gold are all in the same group. The periodic tables are supposedly arranged according to like properties of the elements. Since vibration determines these properties then we know that elements occupying the same group or period possess similar vibration rates. The electrical conductivity of an element is a function of its atomic vibratory rate therefore those that vibrate harmonically towards each other possess similar traits such as the ability to conduct electrical currents. see Inert Gas
Likewise we can see those elements which are poor conductors of the electrical current such as oxygen and nitrogen grouped close together. We can then know that the atomic frequencies of these elements are not harmonics of the electrical current. It is a well established fact that neither of these two elements conduct electricity very well just as copper, silver and gold do transmit this current very well.
Gravity also has an effect on electrical conductivity. As the dyne (accelerating force on a mass) is increased the lower the conductivity. Conversely the lower the dyne the greater the conductivity. Hence it may be assumed that conductivity, in the absence of gravity would increase. This may point to some discovery about why and how there is more electrical potential the higher one gets from the ground. And may even give us an insight into how Nikola Tesla was going to trnsmit electrical current through the upper atmosphere.
This law also gives us an insight into what is called resistance. Resistance is a term used in electrical work to give measure to the inability of a substance to transmit electrical current. Very little is given in electrical texts that explains why and how resistance is caused. Keely gives us a perfectly good explanation. Once tables have been created giving the vibratory rates of the elements correlated with temperature, gravity, etc. we can then predict exactly how electrical current will behave in a substance. It will not require as much trial-by-error methods to find superconductive substances and circuits. Knowing this law and the prerequisites of this function it should be relatively easy to custom design materials exhibiting rather novel and useful practicalities.
On the "negative" side, this law is the nemesis of the so-called orbiting electron theory and blows all kinds of holes in the "hole" theory of micro-chip function theories. The dragon of ignorance is slain again! Knowledge based on a materialistic paradigm cannot withstand a higher revelation that the spiritual (scalar) essence of force (polarity) is more important in the physical function of matter than matter itself.
Return to Keelys Forty Laws
See Also
02 - The Transmission of Sound
Bjerknes Effect
Connecting Link
Curies Law
Electrical Transmission of Power - 82280
Figure 13.17 - Focalizing and Reradiating mode of Sympathetic Transmission
Figure 2.3 - Focalizing and Reradiating mode of Sympathetic Transmission
Keelys Forty Laws
The Final Secret of Free Energy
8.30 - Transmissive
8.31 - Law of Transmissive Vibraic Energy
12.35 - End of The Electron Theory
19.03 - Philosophy of Transmission and Rotation of Musical Sphere