Herbert Dorsey
My educational background is in Physics, Math and Electrical Engineering and I received a BSEE degree from UCSB in 1982. As most of my friends know, I have been a free energy researcher since 1985, when I became familiar with the work of Thomas Bearden and John Bedini. Since then, I have personally seen a number of operating free energy devices and have replicated some in my home lab. So, I know of their reality.
One such device is Adam Trombly’s modified Faraday disc generator which rotates the magnet and conducting disk together, using the spin connection to draw electric energy from space (soon to be explained). Trombly tried to demonstrate his device at the United Nations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIvO-lWWaig
After seeing the above video you will realize that there is a very large effort to suppress free energy technology and has been since the beginning of the 20th century, when J. P. Morgan stopped the financing of Nikola Tesla. I have personally seen acts of suppression of free energy technology when Dennis Lee was arrested for demonstrating his device, which could generate 10 KW of electricity from the heat energy in the air in an Oxnard, California auditorium in 1985. He was held In jail without charge for a year until his company went bankrupt and he was released. The Ventura Sheriffs office had raided his office and and labs and confiscated everything, over a million dollars worth of research, equipment and business contracts. Dennis Lee sued to get his company possessions back and was to!d that the sheriffs department was holding it all for evidence. Other cases of free energy suppression are here: http://www.theorionproject.org/documents/Gary_V.pdf
In the early part of the 21st century, Myron Evans developed a new unified field theory which he called the Einstein Cartan Evans theory (ECE theory). The ECE theory showed the flaw in Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Not only can spacetime be curved to create gravity, it also spins to create all the electromagnetic effects. In fact ECE theory demonstrates that all physical phenomena can be explained with 4 dimensional geometry that includes spin and torsion and is a truly unified theory that unifies quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and gravitation. The ECE theory is explained at length at websites like www.aias.us and www.upitec.org
ECE theory demonstrates that there are additional terms to be added to standard Maxwell Heaviside equations of conventional EM theory. These terms are the scalar and vector spin connection, ?0 and ?.
These terms can be considered as the time component of an axis of rotation and the space components of rotation respectively.
So, now the updated equation E = -(? + ?)? replaces the standard E = -?? where ? is the electric potential.
This added spin connection, ? allows electricity to be directly drawn from space as explained at the above mentioned websites.
Just Imagine a future with non-polluting electric cars without large batteries and with unlimited range as the electricity is freely drawn from space. No large, ugly electric transmission lines as everyone can freely receive electricity needed locally from space. Imagine electric airplanes and electric ships with unlimited range. This is only part of the future promise of the ECE theory. Gravity itself could also be engineered by electromagnetic techniques.
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