After seeing the above video you will realize that there is a very large effort to suppress free energy technology and has been since the beginning of the 20th century, when J. P. Morgan stopped the financing of Nikola Tesla. I have personally seen acts of suppression of free energy technology when Dennis Lee was arrested for demonstrating his device, which could generate 10 KW of electricity from the heat energy in the air in an Oxnard, California auditorium in 1985. He was held in jail without charge for a year until his company went bankrupt and he was released. The Ventura Sheriff's office had raided his office and labs and confiscated everything, over a million dollars worth of research, equipment and business contracts. Dennis Lee sued to get his company possessions back and was to!d that the sheriff's department was holding it all for evidence. Other cases of free energy suppression are here:
Dennis Lee's comments on the invitation [to the Kansas Senate Committee on utilities]
On February 7, at 9:00 am, I was invited by one of our dealers, Richard Franz, who had been contacted by a Kansas Senator who told him he believed it was time for us to "rise into the radar" in Kansas and announce our project to the Senate Committee on utilities. He wasn't on that committee, but he could arrange to have them invite us to speak to them. Our dealer told him he might get me to come. How could I miss an opportunity to speak to a State Senate Committee?
I would not dare say what I wanted to. To be honest, I had no idea what to say. I know exactly what they would want to hear and see. How could I possibly explain why I would not be willing to expose the technology to this legislative body? They are concerned about their coming energy crisis. The California thing has also got them spooked as it has all states. This committee wants to decide whether or not to deregulate and how to if they do. In Kansas, the price of natural gas is going through the roof. I didn't realize that Kansas is the 7th largest producer of natural gas. They export 60% of their gas.
I accepted the invitation to speak. They gave me 50 minutes. They wanted a script to pass out in advance of the speech. I tried to think of what to say for a week and it just wouldn't come. I told them there was no way to get a script. I figured God would put the words in my mouth that day. It was a shock when Alison said she wanted to come with me. Then, the night before we were to leave we had a snow blizzard. It was so bad that everyone had to go home at 3:30. At that exact time, I got inspiration. I sat down at my computer and my whole speech flowed out of me. It was done at midnight. When I sat down to read it, I was a little concerned about what it said. It was not at all what I had thought I would say, but it was pretty well prepared and did say what the world needs to hear. It did a great job of explaining why we could not just show them the technology while letting them know what our dealers are currently doing in their state. I thought about it in the re-read and decided God was right about the approach. I had no idea if they would accept it but if it was what God wanted me to do, then that was good enough for me.
By a miracle, I got out of our company parking lot and drove home in the snow. Alison just did have time to proof and put her touches on it in the morning. In fact, we made the airport limo wait ten minutes while the final copy was printed out. When we got to Kansas, we found an all night Kinko's to make the 40 copies for the speech at 9:00 am. We went to the office of the Senator in charge of the committee to meet for about 40 minutes before the presentation. I had a chance to speak to him first. I learned a lot there. Supposedly they don't care about the majors. Our supply has peaked and at most, there is 20 years of supply left. They were considering making a power plant (either nuclear or coal from Wyoming) to supply electricity for Colorado. The Colorado citizens don't want either one in their own backyard.
The point was that parts of Kansas are very unpopulated. They have 3-4 people per square mile in the area close to Colorado. That means they have no political problem polluting their own state to make power elsewhere. He explained that they need an industry really bad. When he told me that I realized that maybe there was a good reason for me to be there. That was it. Maybe God was testing their group of legislators in Kansas because they are centrally located in the USA. How they could react to my presentation would tell the story. If we had a central distribution system in Kansas, we could ship units anywhere (or even deliver centrally). They've got great railroad and highway everywhere. Training and local manufacturing could be easily facilitated.
As I sat there hearing him tell me they were not concerned about the major oil and gas guys, I had a really good thought. What if I read the speech God had given me and I did not get rejected but they understood and were even supportive? Could it be that was the reason I was going? That would make it all make sense. In a few minutes I would know. We were scheduled to have lunch with this Senator at noon, and we could explore the possibilities. We were also scheduled to meet the chairman at the House Committee on energy at 1:30 pm. I knew there were to be 40 people coming, but I was surprised to hear why. Having heard I was coming, the House Committee decided they also wanted to attend my presentation so they had to move it to a bigger room. There would be 40 people from the Senate and House.
This was the first time the House had asked to sit in on a presentation! WOW! Could it be that at long last I had found a legislative body that could support the truth? If they wanted an industry I'd bring them more than they could ever want. Imagine a state legislature friendly to our project? I was really excited as I walked with the Chairman of the Senate Committee to what might be the biggest breakthrough of the last two decades of my life! I told our dealers we would know if, after my 50 minute presentation, they stayed beyond the 50 minutes asking questions because they would not have planned on that. It would mean they really got it! As a confirmation of what the Lord had given me, Richard (our dealer) had written an introduction without hearing any knowledge of what I was going to say. It was a perfect introduction as you can see for yourself in the speech and introduction that immediately follows:
Introduction by UCS of a dealer Richard Franz
February 7, 2001
Testimony before the joint Senate / House Utilities Committees regarding new electricity generating technologies currently in development and how they might impact the future of electricity production and energy availability in the State of Kansas
By Richard Franz, Dealer with United Community Services of America (UCSA) in cooperation with Better World Technologies (BWT) and The International Tesla Electric Company (ITEC) For the purpose of introducing Mr. Dennis Lee, President of UCSA, BWT, and ITEC who will speak without written testimony...
Senator Clark, Representative Holmes, and members of the Utilities Committees:
My name is Richard Franz, I address you today as both a citizen of the State of Kansas who is concerned about what I see happening to my own energy bills and the energy bills of all Kansans, and also as a businessman who believes he knows of new technological developments which could play a significant role in helping the Citizens of Kansas to free themselves from the slippery slopes of increasing energy dependency at the mercy of diminishing energy supplies and escalating energy prices.
I commend the members of this committee for their commitment and effort to search out and identify new and unique sources of energy to supplement, and perhaps, given time and opportunity, even replace, diminishing and expensive existing fossil fuel energy sources. I well appreciate that it takes a measure of courage to contemplate, yet alone embrace, such an inquiry. Hence, I thank you for the privilege of standing before you today, and greatly value this opportunity to share my views, my limited expertise, and this testimony.
For over four years now, I have been associated as a dealer representative of a company which I believe has answers to the energy crisis which our State, and indeed our entire Nation, now faces. It's been an exciting four years, but I can also sincerely tell you that it has been a challenging and educational four years. During this time I have learned about some truly amazing new technologies that I believe hold tremendous promise for a brighter, productive, and promising future, but I have also learned firsthand that sometimes these marvelous discoveries are met with much less than appreciation, acceptance, and enthusiasm. Indeed, if they are perceived as a threat to commodities provided by entrenched business concerns, they are more often scorned, criticized, and diminished. And those who would attempt to bring them forth are likewise scorned, criticized and diminished. Fortunately, I also believe in an America, land of the free and home of the brave, where free enterprise can flourish, where the inventive mind is encouraged, and excellence celebrated. I will not be discouraged.
I'm sure that what you hear today will challenge you. It may even anger you. But I sincerely pray that it will ultimately encourage you and stimulate you toward a vision of what can be, rather than what is. I also hope that it will propel your continuing deliberations beyond the mere shuffling of limited options in the pursuit of an enigmatic solution, but rather, toward legislatively paving the way for a future where new non-polluting and environmentally-friendly technologies are welcomed and encouraged, resulting in an era of energy abundance and economic prosperity for every citizen of our great State.
As legislators, it is your responsibility and trust to bring forth a plan which ensures all the citizens of Kansas that they will have a secure and stable supply of cost-effective energy now and in the future. These days plans are difficult to devise, difficult to implement, and even more difficult to be assured that they will succeed. In an environment where plans are scarce, I have a friend who has a plan. Although he will tell you that it is not truly a plan of his own design, it is none-the-less his task here today to share with you what that plan is, and why he believes it can and should be embraced as a viable option in your quest for a solution to our energy problems. Knowing that he will have precious little time to accomplish such a task, I have taken the liberty of providing each of you with copies of two video tapes produced by the company which explain in much greater detail both the technology which the company is in the process of developing and the plan for implementation as it is being presented to literally millions of Americans across the country today. Additionally, you will learn what it has taken to bring this technology forth to date, as well as what motivates him in his quest to bring this technology to the light of day. I only hope that it will clarify what he shares with you here today, and that it might serve as a valuable resource to you for the sake of future reference.
I bring with me, and am proud to introduce to you today, a man who is one of the country's foremost experts in the area of alternative energy sources and the production of "free electricity", that is, electricity which can be produced free of operating costs. He is the founder and President of three International Companies; Better World Technologies, United Community Services of America, and The International Tesla Electric Company. He was recently inducted into the International Inventors Hall of Fame, and can be heard for two hours every week on his own syndicated radio program on the Truth Radio Network out of Delano, CA (the Jon Galt show Saturdays at 5 -7 PM EST). Note: Radio show discontinued on Sept. 8, 2001 archived programs still available at John Galt Show. He loves God, loves his country, and is a champion of free enterprise.
I give you, Mr. Dennis Lee...
Dennis Lee's Presentation
Esteemed members of the Congress of the State of Kansas:
It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to address you on a matter of great importance to myself and my associates here in Kansas, but also on a matter of no little importance to God Almighty.
I am Dennis Lee, President and Director of Marketing and Research for three companies that are dedicated to bringing energy solutions to this country. Better World Technologies is our Research and Development company, United Community Services of America Co-Op is now our distribution company, and International Tesla Electric Company will be our utility. My wife, Alison David, is the Administrative Executive for all three companies. We have dedicated 20 years of our lives to this endeavor. We wish to honor God in all that we do, and to acknowledge His hand and His direction in our companies. We ask for His presence and guidance here today. In that spirit I would like to take a few minutes of my time before you to offer up a prayer.
I thank you for indulging me. I believe that God will answer the prayers of those in Kansas who have been searching for an answer to your energy needs. I believe He has been trying once again to get the attention of a nation that He offered the great gift of liberty to some two and a quarter centuries ago. I know that you are looking for information about technologies that can provide an answer to your problem, but I believe it is important and relevant to this matter, to first share with you a little information about my background. It is not my desire to bore this assembly with my background, but it is my hope to use it to clarify a few points that could otherwise be misunderstood. Believe me this is not a filibuster. There is a relevant purpose to what I came to say.
More than twenty years ago in US history, President Jimmy Carter declared war on what he called an energy crisis. He created tax credits for Renewable Energy Sources, like solar, wind, geothermal, or anything that could offer useable energy as an alternative to fossil fuels. He stated that it was his belief that free enterprise could meet the challenge of developing the technology to end our dependence upon Middle Eastern oil for our economic well being. Among others, I rose to the occasion and accepted his challenge to advance alternatives. I developed the world's most efficient heat pump, later nicknamed the solar heat pump. It could take energy from sun, wind, rain, snow, sleet, hail, or just ambient air temperature, 24 hours a day or night anywhere in the United States, to heat a home or make hot water for showers. It used an electric pump to compress the refrigerant gases to extract enough heat, even from a snow blizzard at night, to make water over 200 degrees F. It was a heat pump that had no defrost cycle. On the average, for every single BTU of electric energy the pump used, it provided 6 BTUs of heat and could, under optimal conditions, provide as many as 12 to one. It was, by far, the most efficient alternative energy source in the world at that time. This data has been proven in a court of law. Our system could reduce the heating needs of a home by as much as 80% (and, in some cases it was demonstrated to have saved even more than that).
The government and Big Business did everything in their power to suppress our technology. They fought us every step of the way to keep our Super Heat Pump from its rightful place in that war. Electric companies (and government programs) promoted conventional heat pumps that averaged a 2 to 1 efficiency and even bought them for people through various "weatherization" plans. But the truth of it was, that electric companies in the Pacific Northwest preferred heat pumps that saved a third of the electric bill over mine, that saved 2/3rds of it. The same people who demanded conservation, ignored our Super Heat Pump and refused to even test it. We had expected a ticker tape parade, but got a serious head lock instead. I, personally lost fifty million dollars, and received a very costly, but valuable, lesson in free enterprise in America.
An attempt was even made to exclude our technology from receiving the federal tax credits offered for renewable energy sources. What could be more renewable than a system that effectively took heat, night and day from not only sun and wind, but even snow and cold air at night? Thank God I won the battle for the Renewable Energy Tax Credits in a presentation I gave to the IRS in Washington D. C. I pointed out that a tin can on a roof that provided one BTU of hot water (and nothing at all when the sun was not shining) would have qualified for their loosely written renewable energy tax credits. They argued that because we used an electric compressor to pump our gases, our Super Heat Pump would not qualify as a renewable energy source ' as if solar systems did not need an electric pump to pump the water in their system.
It was enlightening to see how our government fought against the one technology that could have given them all the conservation they claimed to be seeking. With President Carter's tax credits and our 12 to 1 heat pump, we could have won his energy war. Instead, because our technology could have upset the five billion dollar heat pump industry being promoted by the electric companies, we were constantly harassed. The electric companies fought hard to stop us and called in political favors all the way to the Governor of Washington State to do so. The dirty politics played on behalf of good ol' boys in business who contributed to campaigns, cost me a fortune. I limped away from the battlefield with heavy losses, while Jimmy Carter accepted defeat in a war we could easily have won. The greatest loss of all, however, was the one fatality in my ranks. One of our employees, a young lady named Colleen, was killed, and even though we knew who killed her, we could not get the offender arrested for it. It was a man who had admittedly stolen documents from our offices for the Attorney General in that state. As a result of that incident, I made a presentation at the Showcase Opera House at the Seattle World's Fair where I vowed to find a technology to compete with conventional electric companies in the USA which could offer the citizens of this country an alternative to the arrogant power company monopolies.
The idea to do so was revealed to me in 1987. It was a crude idea for a technology that could extract energy through my own low temperature phase change heat pump to produce mechanical energy at low temperatures. Having a flair for history, and having descended from Richard Henry Lee, I rented the Old South Meeting Hall in Boston, where I had moved to lick my wounds from the confrontation in the Pacific Northwest. At the Hall where the American Revolution had begun, and standing on the same podium that Ben Franklin and John Adams had stood, I presided over the very first public demonstration of the concept. We lit a single light bulb, using water heated by energy taken from the air in the room at an efficiency of 6 to 1, to excite a refrigerant gas to drive a turbine. We called it "America's Declaration of Energy Independence". The idea would make it possible to extract energy from a snow storm, even at night, to make electricity that could melt steel. Imagine melting steel from the heat extracted from snow. All I needed was to find a turbine efficient enough to convert more than 15% of the heat it made to mechanical energy.
Within less than one year I had found the world's most efficient engine cycle, the Fischer Cycle (invented by Dr. Victor Fischer) in the form of the Fischer Engine. It is a whole new thermodynamic engine cycle that operates with a warm liquid being injected into the top of the cylinder and a cooler liquid rejected at the end of the cycle. The best part about that was that it could be operated at several hundred degrees Fahrenheit with liquids that had much lower boiling points than water and had a thermodynamic efficiency of far greater than 2/3rds efficient. We built an operating model that many people watched run and actually got a chance to prove that technology in a court of law, when I was arrested in 1988 on charges of criminal fraud. In fact, immediately after proving in court that I could make electricity from energy taken from air, the case against me for criminal fraud was dismissed. The real reason for my arrest was because I was trying to advance my goal of replacing the electric utilities in the United States. I walked into jail a multimillionaire and left a full year later 50 pounds lighter and dead broke. But, supposedly the system of justice had worked, because all the criminal charges against me that had kept me from being free to protect my fortune, were ultimately dismissed. It isn't that I hadn't tried to get out of jail to defend my project, but although I raised the million dollar bail that was set, I was denied bail. I set a precedent in California legal history, as the first man to be denied bail after posting it. Our "working models" were eventually returned to us, no longer working. We also proved in that case that law enforcement had threatened witnesses not to testify on my behalf. There was never any form of punishment for those who committed that crime. In fact, the Sheriff Deputy who had outright threatened to kill witnesses, according to the testimony of witnesses on the stand, was promoted to lieutenant and put in charge of the jail I was sent to. I spent a lot of time in the "hole" at that facility.
I looked to the media to expose this injustice, only to discover that a dog does not bite his master, and "freedom of the press belongs to whoever owns the press". It was disappointing to discover the truth about the black hole a citizen can fall into without any recourse, but I am a survivor. My only goal is to do God's Will on this earth with my life. God has shown me that whatever does not kill me makes me stronger and even more determined. Perhaps this is what happens every time we need a technical revolution. I know Alexander Graham Bell was arrested for peddling telephones, on charges of trying to take advantage of gullible people, because "everyone knows that you cannot transmit a human voice over a wire, and, if you could, it would be of absolutely no beneficial purpose to the people of this country". I know the Wright Brothers were ignored and ridiculed by the media and scientific American while they flew for five years almost every day before they were finally allowed a public demonstration at Kitty Hawk. Then the important scientists of the day had to swallow their pride and admit that two mechanics in a bicycle shop had achieved the goal of their dreams. Dreamers do not quit so easily.
My last reward for trying to bring energy solutions to America was two years in state prison. This was the most obvious of all possible illustrations of how important it was to someone important in this society to stop us. I was actually put into a state prison for two years on a claim that I had violated a civil code registration without ever to this day being convicted of that charge! I have never had a trial, nor have I ever been convicted by any court of that civil code violation. That is an absolute fact! It was an act that was meant to show me just how much power the government can wield to stop me if they want to. On June 19, 1992 I appealed to the United States Supreme Court with a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari, filed by my attorney, Mr. Bruce Fine. By September 21, 1992, almost 14 weeks (in fact it was 96 days) later, and 60 days beyond their final deadline to respond, the State of California had still not responded to my petition. Perhaps they were too embarrassed. In a precedent setting action, the U.S. Supreme Court wrote a letter to the State of California ordering them to object to my petition! They reluctantly objected with a filed response, whereupon the U.S. Supreme Court stated that they were too busy to have a hearing over a little State Civil Code misdemeanor issue, and allowed the State of California to kidnap me without a conviction. I can only imagine the politics involved in all of that!
(they interrupted me here)
I have found this land of free enterprise to be a land not unlike that encountered by "Alice in Wonderland". A land of Sarsaparillas judgments where a very confusing set of double and even triple standards exist, that almost make sense when you discover the true agenda. I discovered the hard way that there is a place above (or at least beyond) the rules where it needs to make sense behind the scenes. I had to get beyond the illusions to discern what is real and what is part of the image of America in order to become effective at making a difference. We have a real energy problem. It is the same problem of he who rides a tiger. How do we dismount without getting clawed to death? Yesterday's answers are today's problem. But yesterday's heroes have become far too connected and influential to be put out to pasture. How do we make the transition to new technologies without collapsing the empires that depend upon perpetuating the old ones? Do we really believe in free enterprise? Can the "new" replace the "old" without a painful transition? The biggest problem with our free enterprise system is that it no longer exists! People who dominate industries become so influential and so "connected" that no one can compete with them primarily because of who and what their money can buy.
Men do not create, they discover what God has for them' the next step in our advancement. But, we have not had a next step in a long time in a whole lot of areas of our existence, because we have been choking off advancements. The internal combustion engine has "flat lined" for the past fifty years, as any real engineer will readily admit. Who can force changes in that industry? Our problem is not that God has stopped talking to inventors. Our problem is the way we treat them. We have stopped believing in our own professed way of life, by failing to support innovators. I am connected to people who have the answers to a lot of the problems of our sick society, but our "politics" is not very friendly toward men with solutions. A lot of my friends have been treated the same way I have. Many have been killed. Even more have been imprisoned and discredited because they have that better mousetrap, but vested self interests do not think we need new mousetraps. This is a problem that can only be resolved by elected officials who have the gumption to defend free enterprise, or by someone leading the people themselves to push beyond the veil. It is, after all, the people who are denied the advancements that God is trying to bring them.
I have come very close to losing all my faith in government officials. Where does a man with the answers go? Scientists, politicians, the media, and the legal system, seem to all be so intent on preserving the "status quo" of Big Business, that there is little choice for those who wish to "get on with it" except to go directly to the people. The "System" is just an obstacle to overcome. I came to discuss the solution with you, and I am grateful for the opportunity to address you. But, I have no illusions of it making much difference in the way I must proceed. I want you to know that God will not let the people of this country down. What He has set free will be free, indeed. He has revealed to us, through much sacrifice and hard work, a technology that we believe will enable us to take energy from the magnetic force fields of permanent magnets, and drive generators of any size without any pollution and without any need for fuel of any type. This revelation can be both sweet and sour. As a youngster, I went joy riding with a teenage friend of mine. We were on a gravel road out at Roller Coaster Hills, and the car started to skid on the gravel. My friend, who was driving, slammed on the brakes. His foot locked on that brake in a death grip, and we continued sliding toward a cliff. I kicked his foot so hard I almost broke it and he released the brake, and we lived through the incident. Sometimes, when there is too much brake being applied, God has to override the brakes. I think if you are really going to give free enterprise a shot at bailing your state out of an otherwise tough situation you need to be willing to give entrepreneurs some gas.
(interrupted again here)
There is a solution in deregulation. Do not be deceived by the lie being told to the American people in California. There is no real energy crisis there that was supposedly created by business people taking unfair advantage of the poor electric utilities. No business person worth half his salt would charge his distributor five times what they can get selling his commodity. Does that make any sense to you? Electricity is a perishable commodity. If you make it and do not sell it, there is nothing you can do to store it for later. If a supplier is committed to a power plant to produce electricity with long term contracts for fuel supplies, he has to produce it. If he stops producing it, he goes broke. The supply and the distribution are interdependent for their survival, like two Siamese twins joined at the hip who share organs. One cannot kill the other without dying himself. No enlightened individual buys that story about supply selling wholesale electricity to the power plants for five times their retail price. God, and those deceivers only know what the true motives behind what is happening in California are. I suspect it is a plan to try to get deregulators in other states to set a ceiling on what suppliers can sell their electricity for. I am egocentric enough to think the gesture is aimed at our International Tesla Electric Company and for good reasons. We could put a crimp in their "T&D" con game!
We have a plan to completely take over all production of electricity for the entire United States within the next five years. We intend to shut down every fossil fuel polluting or nuclear radiation producing plant in the entire country at least within this decade. I came to explain that plan to you,
(they stopped me again by "No sales presentations") I just summarized the plan after this.
for what reason, I do not know, except that I was invited and I was not told by God not to come. For the sake of understanding us, entertain my notion that we believe that we can produce a device that is about the size of an air conditioner that will produce 30 kilowatts of continuous electricity and can be installed at any residence (with the unit to be placed inside or outside). We also are planning on installing the proper rectifier and other electronic gear to synchronize our output to the grid and to regulate our output in accordance with the Phoenix Arizona Grid's standards. That is just our design standard. We are currently offering citizens across the United States and, yes, even in Kansas, that if they will sign up with us at no cost to them for doing so, we will register them to get 26,000 kWh of electricity every year, absolutely free, just for allowing us to use their homes as a power production station. We will send all the excess electricity produced by the equipment at these homes, back over the grid to the local power company to be sold to customers up or down line of them by the utility. Our pledge is to give the homeowner an allowance of 3 kilowatts per hour on the average (or 72 kWh per day) and send the remainder of what we generate (an average of 27 kWh) back into the grid. Our goal is to be paid for the excess power, and, after we amortize the hardware, we will make a profit. The amortization of our hardware can be achieved at a cost of one cent per kilowatt hour. Of course we intend to actually start putting the electricity into the hottest market first where we can get the highest premium for the power we produce. Under no circumstances do we intend to ever charge our countrymen more than one nickel per kilowatt hour (whether we can get it or not). If the Kansas electric suppliers refuse to deal with us, or we just cannot get a good price for the power we produce, we will put a unit intended for the home of a citizen of Kansas on a home in another state. Then we will honor our commitment to the homeowner in Kansas by just paying their electric bill up to the total usage of 26,000 kWh. We will allow the homeowner who signs up to have their electricity for free for as long as we can make money with the unit designated for them, hopefully for the rest of their life!
Since there is no fuel cost for our electricity and one penny per kWh amortizes the hardware on a five year schedule, no one in the business can compete with us. There is no coal fired plant that can even get the coal out of the ground for the cost we could put the power into the grid after the hardware is amortized, so, after we have given them five years to make other plans for their coal besides polluting the planet with it, we intend to lower our prices and drive them out of the pollution business. The same goes for the oil and gas suppliers. The nuclear power guys need to go sooner. The government has already made enough radioactive war materials, so they need to get off that scam and we will go easy on our technology that can neutralize radioactive waste, which the government already knows we have the ability to do. Besides, there is no way to amortize a nuclear power plant within the next five years, and believe me, that's all the time there is! Our little home generators put out 30 kilowatts of power and we can send that power back over 30KVA transformers.
Our national distribution company, United Community Services of America Co-Op, has 2,000 dealers nationwide in every state including Kansas. Our dealers are currently committed to signing up 1,600,000 homeowners for this offer. Our company has issued over a million free electricity registrations to our dealers so far. We expect that it will not take long for them to complete that job. When they have recruited all the residences to receive a unit, then we intend to have at least several hundred demonstration homes set up across the country. We intend to hook our devices up to all these homes, connect the units to the power boxes of those homes, and disconnect all those homes from their local electric company on the exact same day, at the exact same time of day. Of course, we intend to notify all 1.6 million of our witnesses of the location closest to them so they can be on the lawns of these homes while the final hookups are occurring. One national church has declared that they will have a TV camera at every location with one of their pastors present at each site to broadcast each demonstration, live over satellite. We are planning to give a demonstration that, unlike the last time in 1988 when we tried to make our point, will be difficult for people of evil intent to stop. We are recruiting the people to help us keep their public officials honest this time. Each of the 1.6 million witnesses will be allowed to go home and sign up ten people for our home generating plants. The reason for 1.6 million people to grow into 16 million is that by our calculations, 100% of all the energy needs for this country could be met with 16 million, 30 kWh generators.
Better World Technologies has alternative plans with alternative power units. We are also working on a Power Wagon. It is a 40 foot trailer on wheels that will put out ten megawatts of power at 400 KVA. Its mobility allows it to be placed on a substation of the grid system anywhere, to augment their power production where shortages may occur. What we are designing is very flexible. It can be attached to a home to feed back into the grid or to the substation of a grid, or just attached to commercial establishments directly to disconnect them from the grid. We are trying to avoid doing that. We are trying to remain as flexible as possible, because we do not know what the electric companies are going to do and we do not trust them any further than we can throw them.
We have worked very hard to try to avoid making any of the mistakes of the past. We are not a public company. We have absolutely no investors or partners. We have no bank loans. We are a debt free company. We have commitments to billions of dollars in funding and a plan to get all the funding we need. Our 2,000 dealers are located in all fifty states and many of them have manufacturing capability. This time, when we do a demonstration, it will not be in a room I can be arrested in where the machine can be removed. It will be on hundreds of homes (at least two per state) at the same time with so many witnesses at each location it will be impossible to lie about, or cover up, what it does. The people themselves who get the 16 million units are the biggest beneficiaries of the technology and that is a lot of self interest. The "People" will be our self interest group. We have a technology to bypass the grid, and obviously, assuming this technology does exist, we could give the electric companies big problems by just disconnecting their customers.
That is why we did an advance show for the Congress of the United States on March 5th of 1996. We invited every member of the federal government to that show. All the members of the Senate and House of Representatives who did not attend the show signed for a copy of the video of it. We expressed our concern as Americans, and we repeat that concern now at this assembly, about the potential damage our project could do to the infrastructure of the United States and to the Republic of Kansas. We do not want to collapse the grid system or hurt the electric companies. We do want to stop all the pollution and support free enterprise. We asked the Congress to deregulate the electric companies across the nation at the beginning of 1996. We had a discussion with representation from the Energy Committee of the U.S. Congress. We were thrilled in July of 1996 when they made the move to deregulate. We look forward to working with, rather than against the deregulation policies. We realize the danger of a contest between us and the public utilities. We also realize it is the right of every free American to either participate in the public utilities or not to. We could offer them an alternative with or without the deregulation. But, we are God's people and God is a God of order. We are also Americans who love our country in spite of the belief that we have that, it is at times not well run.
Wanting to see what the resolve of the separate states and their politics was, as well as wanting to put the scientific community on notice, we did a tour of the nation in the last three months of 1999. It was very eye opening. We ran a full page ad in the USA Today newspaper on September 15th in the front news section. The heading was, "Tired of High Electric Bills, How About No Electric Bills?" We certainly were not hiding from anyone. We took some of our technology on that tour and challenged scientists to come and measure our claims for themselves. The first sentence of paragraph four of that ad invites all scientists to attend the show nearest them and bring their own instruments to measure the equipment. Many, many technical people with instruments at our shows did take us up on our invitation. We did all 45 of our shows within 60 days at the rate of 6 shows per week. One presentation was made in Kansas City, and another in Wichita. At every show we demonstrated a permanent magnet motor that was doing 3.1 horsepower of work as shown on a calibrated dynamometer. That is an output of 2,300 watts of power. The meters showed that we were taking 4.92 amps at 92 volts for an input of 453 watts of power from the batteries. We also showed a whole lot more. This was America's chance to debunk us in front of thousands of witnesses, but we were not debunked. We did not publicly claim to have the unit completed at that time. Whether we did or not was not anything we felt the need to claim. We charge the public nothing to sign up, so they can wait and see what we present when we are ready to demonstrate the final product on our terms. Fool me twice, shame on me!
Whether or not anyone legislates in favor of free enterprise, advanced technology is something that has a way of working itself out. The bigger question is what will be capsized in its wake. What we are doing is on its way. We hope to work with the legislators to make the conversion peaceful and easy. Whatever you decide to do, please consider free enterprise in the plan and open the grid to us and other entrepreneurs. I would wholeheartedly recommend against your building any more nuclear power plants.
We stand ready to work with the people of the Republic of Kansas to do all that is within our power to build a better world and a better Republic of Kansas. I am prepared to answer any questions from the representatives of the people'
Dennis Lee's comments on the session
They let me get almost halfway through the speech before the Senate Chairman interrupted me and asked me if I was ever going to show them our technology. I replied that I had not come to demonstrate anything and if they were under the impression I was, that was a false impression. The Senator was obviously embarrassed as was our dealer. We had about a dozen dealers present at the speech. I had been given 50 minutes and they stopped me after about 20 of them. I got to the part where I questioned the politics involved in the US Supreme Court's order to California. I told the Senator that I could skip ahead so I tumbled forward to our program to end all oil, gas, or coal plants. I started reading that part and got interrupted again. "They didn't want no sales pitch!" I ended up summarizing our plan.
Then they started asking questions. Of course the first one was when a House member impatiently interrupted and asked, in a rather gruff manner, are you going to either show us a working model or tell us how it works? Remember here, I was asked to come and testify before the Committee, not demonstrate anything. I explained the reason for my dialogue was to show them why I had no trust in government agencies. I told him we had done two shows at Wichita and Kansas City on our recent tour and asked if he had attended either. He told me he had.
Another listener began to inform me that if I would give them one to test, they would put the weight on the Kansas Congress behind making sure the world knew about it. I replied "I would give anything to live in the world he thinks we live in. This country is not free and I cannot trust you!" That's why I wrote all this to explain all that to you. We have to go the way we are to avoid all the political "dirty tricks."
Another member of the Committee asked me why I had come here to speak if I had no intentions of proving my technology. I told them I really had been confused about the invitation, but I figured what we are doing was important for them to know. If they are discussing building nuclear or coal fired plants, they need to know I plan to obsolete them before they are built. I believe for them to consider deregulation they need to know about us.
Another member wanted to know what I wanted them to do for us. I replied that we really don't need them to do anything more than helping us have total access to the grid, we don't need any money or special favors. We are already going directly to the people, but we do need grid access! He replied that people on the State Committee presently need power generated by wind machines, for example, of 3 kWh per hour or he caught himself and said that 30 kWh wasn't too much and that power could be sold back now. I asked if he meant the Purpa Laws or real access to the grid. He said, "I mean you can sell it back." So I asked him if he could assure me that if we put a unit on 10% of all the homes in Kansas we would have no legal problems selling all that power? He started back pedaling immediately. He didn't know anything about what was and was not legal. I repeated that if he or anyone, could assure me of that point the trip would have been worth while. We got no reply to that comment.
Then the Chairman of the House Committee spoke up. He said "I think we've heard enough Mr. Lee." A lady to his right said "we thank you for coming. We are sorry for all the things you think happened to you, but none of it happened in Kansas.
We've done nothing to hurt you. We wish you well, but your time is up." The Senator who had invited us expressed his disappointment that we were not willing to show our technology. I pointed out the videos. He told me if he'd known, they could have already watched them. I encouraged them to watch them now. My fifty minutes had shrunk to 38 minutes. I still had time, but they had heard enough. We were whisked out of the room, but before I left the podium, I encouraged all present to read the written presentation and to review the video tapes (the 22 minute Declaration of Energy Independence and 30 minute Christian Testimony tapes).
The lunch scheduled with the Senator who had invited us was suddenly cancelled, as expected. It was clear that I had not found my heroes in Kansas. So we went to coffee with our dealers and then had lunch. When we got into our van, our dealer seemed very disappointed. Had this really been what God wanted us to do? When we got into the van, Alison picked up a Bible and it fell open at Ezekiel Chapter 3, we knew we had done his will.
We returned in time for our meeting with the Chairman of the House Committee. We didn't have his phone number so we decided to first show up (expecting him to cancel, too, of course). It was no surprise when he met us at the door to inform us that he had to go see the Governor. Something had come up, but it did shock all of us when he said he would be back by 2:15 if we wanted to come back. We agreed to. So we waited out in the hall and quite a few of the people who had been in the meeting passed by. One lady (a Senator) stopped to talk and to tell us that I should not have gone on as much about what had happened to me. I explained that we had not come to get anything from the Committee. I explained that they had nothing we wanted, we didn't need them, but we had what they were looking for (they did need us). I asked her if the thought had occurred to her that they blew it rather than the other way around. I explained that the Senator had told me they were badly in need of an industry. Since they are centrally located, this could have been an ideal location for us to build and distribute our technology. She had almost a shocked look on her face. I don't think that even accrued to her that we may have been evaluating them rather than the other way around. I reminded her that when they are looking at me, I am looking back. This act of insulting me and not giving me the fifty minutes allotted, may have cost them an industry.
I had hoped legislators would care about what I was telling them. She told me she came because like a lot of them, she was very interested. She assured me she would read the speech and watch the video. Another guy (Senator) came by and he apologized. He said, "you made it a lot further than many. Sometimes they just kick people out within a few minutes. They don't care where they came from or how far away they were." This really stinks! I came 3000 miles with my wife and took two days of my time. I am a fairly big frog in my pond, too! They can't even listen for 50 minutes? Anyway, this Senator told me he'd watch the video and apologized again for the Committee and left.
Then we saw a Senator (lady) who was one of the three of them who walked out during my speech. She turned her head and ignored us and walked away. The Chairman of the Senate Committee's secretary told our dealer that there were several of the video tapes in the waste basket at the room of the meeting. What a ridiculous way for the people's representatives to act! There are going to be a lot of people, who have a lot of crow to eat when we put these units out there.
Anyway, at 2:30 we decided to just go into the House Chairman's office and wait for him. He was in his office with his secretary. They had us wait a few minutes and then to go right in. There was a little small talk about his paintings and then I explained that the Senator had told me that Kansas needed an industry. The House Chairman didn't seem as interested in that. He didn't bite! He wanted to talk about what they were going to do to solve their energy problem. He explained a lot about what the problem with natural gas getting shorter in supply and more expensive. He explained that their options are very limited. Building a nuclear power plant seems politically out of the question, he told us, but he decided that he has no problem with a coal fired plant. He thought it was a necessary option.
I told him that we have a big problem with coal fired plants that put sulfur oxides into drinking water, acid rain into the environment, and contribute to global warming. He replied that there's only 20 years of natural gas left and 300 years of coal supplies! I told him we have an alternative that requires no fuel at all. He then gave us a lecture about renewable energy sources. He talked about photo voltaic, and wind machines. I replied you need sunlight and wind. He replied there's lots of wind in Kansas. I pointed out it was not a real feasible solution. I went on' there are acceptable alternative energy sources and non acceptable ones that are not acceptable to the Big Self Interest Groups. There are ones they don't tolerate, but we intend to bring them with the help of the people whether anyone liked it or not. We have an alternative no one can compete with. We can deliver electricity cheaper than they can pay to pull the coal out of the ground.
He wanted to know if our technology is patented. I told him we have a form of protection, yes! He insisted that I tell him if it is patented or not. I told him we do not have to reveal any patents to him. He said I legally have to tell him the patent number if it is. I reminded him I have no unit on the market yet and I am not required to tell him about a patent until I do. He seemed to be a little put off that we would not reveal the technology or even whether or not it was patented. I told him we had a type of protection, but I could not discuss it at this time. He reluctantly accepted that. It was obvious he wanted to catch me up and try to find out what the technology was. I told him to think carefully about building any type of power plant and to give us access to the grid and we will solve the problem in Kansas. He had to go. So did we. It was over!

From the book of forbidden technology
The free energy
Inventor Dennis Lee
The most famous technologies that reach me,
It's a wonderful hummingbird engine, and an electric Sundance generator, and these two devices if you combine them together you will have a self-feeding generator and it can work 100 years non stop
This 50-HP Hummingbird home model is 36-inch tall and 12-inch thick. Most conventional generators had to run at 1,800 rpm. Meanwhile, a Sundance generator can produce 30 kW/h during a normal rotation speed. This generator is special that its speed can be adjusted as well as its ability to produce electricity during its rotation at low speeds of 350 rpm. This home power generator makes no sound more than the sound of a central air conditioner. Hummingbird engine rotates the Sundance generator, and the engine turns
It is powered by a continuous current coming from a battery, and the battery in turn is charged by the generator powered by a hummingbird engine. This generator is self-feeding and does not need any external power source. In 1999, Dennis Lee made a tour of the entire United States reviewing a practical model of the Hemmingeard engine. In 2011, another tour of the country reviewed a practical model of the Sundance electric mod capable of producing 30 kW of free electricity, and proved that this generator is 100% self-feeding, something the public has never seen before. During this second round, he said that he will not market this generator the traditional way but there is another project he intends and calls it the “free electricity program.” In order to officially announce the start of the manufacturing of this device, this announcement should be in front of a huge audience of 5 1 million citizens, and it will be done through 100 mass gatherings taking place at the same time, so that it becomes an important event nation wide, when the first industrial model will be reviewed For the device . You may wonder why all this work and these complicated procedures that do not seem necessary in a democratic, free, open and fair media country.. To the very end . If that’s your opinion, then you still don’t know how things are going in the US and other free western countries.
The last time Dennis Lee reviewed a generator for free electricity was in 1987. This device cost more than 400,000 dollars to manufacture. During this parade, attended by only 600 people, the doors were broken down by police who stormed into the place as if it were a gathering for drug smuggling gangs, the device and all other equipment were confiscated. Dennis Lee has been charged with fraudulent correspondence fraud.. To the very end . After the court ordered the testing of the source device to verify its usefulness, it was found that the device was lost in police warehouses.
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