noun: remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offense.
noun: the state of having committed an offense. OneLook Dictionary
Q: How would you define "guilt"?
B: The opposite of love. Not hate: guilt.
Q: Then what is hate?
B: Hate is another variation of the idea of love - after having passed through judgment.
AUD: (Oooh. Oh! etc.)
Q: Sometimes I get little twinges of guilt, like you feel when you maybe have let someone down, or not done what was expected of you.
B: There are different types of the idea that you may be recognizing. One of them may simply be your cognition that perhaps you were functioning outside of your integrity. And it is simply an opportunity to recognize the alignment that can re-center you.
Q: But guilt or judgment as the opposite of love.
B: Since love is the knowing deservability and worthiness of all, guilt is the belief in worthlessness, lack of deservability.
Q: Probably closer to what I get. Okay, that's very helpful.
B: ALL THAT IS loves you unconditionally - proving it by creating you. Now, why should you not grant yourself the same respect and unconditional love that is given to you automatically by All That Is? All That Is thinks you deserve it; why don't you?
Q: I don't know. Why do you think we do that?
B: Again: perhaps simply because once you decided to explore limitation, one of the things you forgot is that you are worth loving; that you are actually love itself. That is all. All you need to do is remember that you are made of love. And then everything will be an act of love.
Q: Are those just little remnants of past judgments left over, when you feel little twinges.
B: Yes, in a sense. Yes.
Q: I know it's getting a lot better now.
B: It is what it is.
Q: Yes. Thank you.
B: Thank you!