
7B.12 - Mind Force

"The substance of the brain is molecular. The mind which permeates the brain is interetheric in substance; it is the element by which the brain is impregnated. This element, when excited into action, controls all physical motion as long as the necessary sympathetic conditions are maintained. These conditions are no more immaterial in their character than are light and heat. Electricity, magnetism, gravity, and heat are latent in all aggregations (forms) of matter. They are not obtained from terrestrial influences. Celestial Radiation is the true impregnating medium in all these forces. The brain is the high resonating receptacle where the sympathetic celestial acts, and where molecular and atomic motion are induced, as according to the intensification brought to bear upon it by radiation." The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit

"Sympathetic physics teaches that the luminiferous ether, a compound interetheric element, celestial mind force, is the substance of which everything visible is composed, and that this great sympathetic protoplastic element is life itself.

"Consequently, our physical organisms are composed of this element; the focalizing or controlling media to the physical having its seat in the cerebral convolutions from which Sympathetic Radiation emanates. This sympathetic outreach is mind-flow proper, or will force; sympathetic polarization to produce action, sympathetic depolarization to neutralize it. Polar and depolar differentiation resulting in motion. This element sympathetically permeates all forms and conditions of matter, having for its attendants gravity, Electricity, and magnetism, the triple conditions borne in itself. From this 'Soul of matter' all forms of motion receive their introductory impulses. The physicists of the present age ignore the sympathetic conditions that are associated with the governing force of the cerebral and the muscular organism. The evolution of a volition, the infinite exciter, arouses the latent energy of the physical organism to do its work; differential orders of brain-force acting against each other under dual conditions. If there were no latent energy, to arouse sympathetically, there would be no action in the physical frame, as all force is will force.

"Enough alternate active energy could be evolved, in a cubic inch of steel, by the proper sympathetic exciter, to do the work of a horse, by its sympathetic association with the polar force in alternate polarization and depolarization. This is the power that I am now getting under control to do commercial work. In other words, I am making a sympathetic harness for the polar terrestrial force." Keely, 1892." [Newton of the Mind See Wheelwork of Nature, 4.4 - Idle Wheels on Natures Machinery]

"All Nature's forces are MIND FORCES governed by the triune streams of celestial affinity (mutual attraction to neutral center|). Each neutral center responds to the triple thirds by alteration or corpuscular motion. Sympathetic streams are only modifications of the ONE FORCE in Nature, each stream being of a triune nature, i.e., consisting of triple flows, the intensity of each being in a certain harmonic ratio. The flow in the terrestrial envelope is controlled by the dominant as shown by the static position which the magnetic needle assumes. The harmonic and enharmonic portions of the magnetic flow are here, obliged to coordinate themselves to the controlling dominant.

"The etheric substance which acts as the governing medium for a magnetic or sympathetic flow is of such tenuity that odor particles, which exist in the atomic subdivision, are crude (large) in comparison. The tenuity of the medium of the sympathetic flows, or of the magnetic flow, comes to and above that of sound. See Subdivision

"An explanation is necessary of the triune laws governing the propagation and transmission of the triune Sympathetic Streams, and the triune conditions governing "corpuscular aggregation" (syntropic forming matter) before we can understand the response by inducted "magnetic antagonism" of that sympathetic medium which interconnects all matter. Otherwise we cannot understand the laws governing the propagation and transmission of the disintegratory (entropic dissociating) vibrations.

"All Sympathetic Streams are triple, whether cerebellic, gravital, magnetic or electric and are the governing agents of all "celestial" and "terrestrial" orders of positive radiation and negative attraction. There is no flow of gravity, which should instead be spoken of as "triple connective links" as its transmission is instantaneous.

"The power and velocity of the Sympathetic Streams as they focalize towards the neutral center (of matter) and the propagation from the neutral center of its sympathetic outreach by means of these streams, exceeds by thousands of times the power of our highest explosives. An atmospheric stream (air) moving with the velocity of these Sympathetic Streams would atomize a steel warship. As these streams come from celestial (outer) space they come in contact with the earth's dense atmospheric envelope and by their infinite velocities and inreach for the neutral centers, wrest from atomic confinement (quantum realm) those latent energies we call heat and light." The Snell Manuscript

See Also

Mind and Matter
Mind as Flow or Stream
Mind Force
Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force
Mind in Machines
Mind in Matter
Mind in Plants
Mind is the Builder
Mind of God
Mind over Matter
Mind The One Universal Substance
Mind to Mind

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday January 28, 2017 02:59:58 MST by Dale Pond.