
2.9 - What is Energy

What is Energy? Something out of balance attempting to re-establish that balance in an entropic (radiant) manner. All is vibration (unbalanced forces rhythmically interchanging between polar states). Radiation and gravity are opposing sides of the same coin of dynamic interexchanging polarity. Radiation and magnetism are the same category of energy but on different levels or dimensions - rad-energy being the higher form.

To this author forces and energies are specific and peculiar "polarizations" of a given media in motion. Electricity is a polarization of the electrical substream (electron flow) of the triune terrestrial streams of magnetism, electricity and gravity. If this idea of polarization is correct then one must ask 'What is being polarized?' Or 'How does polarization occur?' Or we may ask 'Is polarization simply the initial stages of differentiation of the One Undifferentiated Force?' While polarization of a given media in motion is fundamental it must not be lost sight of the fact magnetism, electricity and gravity are not isolated entities but different attributes of the same thing. For some reason we (generally speaking) have learned to misperceive these three forms of force and energy as separate forces or energies which of course they are not as explained by Keely in sections 2.4 - 2.6.

"First, let it be understood there is the pattern in the material or physical plane of every condition as exists in the cosmic or spiritual plane, for things spiritual and things material are but those same conditions raised to a different condition of the same element - for all force is as of one force." Cayce (5756-4)

I take the above quote from Cayce as indicating a "Fractalized (holographic) Patterning" of everything. To me electricity is an unbalanced (active) polar force seeking voiding (balance) on a lower level or realm (interatomic) and spirit is a similar state of dynamism on a higher level (etheric to interetheric). Thought force is of the interetheric frequency realm and spirit slightly more, in the terms and contexts we are using.

Created by Trene. Last Modification: Saturday December 17, 2011 07:15:45 MST by Trene.