
18.18 - Awakening is the Essence of Religion

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5. Many of us have been taught to dislike religions. There may be a good outcome in that. Dr. Phineas P. Quimby hated religions claiming they mistaught humanity which teachings brought much suffering because of their effects on people's bodies and lives through their Minds. However, the essence that is religion - the Awakening process is much to be desired and has been sought by countless students, cheelas, monks and others for many centuries. In short Awakening means having full access and use of Consciousness not limited by (mis)beliefs. The Awakened Mind is a Whole Mind and not the split or fragmented Egoic or Intellectual Mind. Buddha and Jesus were two in history who attained this much desired state of Whole Mind and Consciousness. We can attain this state of Mind and humanity's religions were or began as nothing more than methodologies to attain such a desirable state of mind. That some self-centered power-mongers modified those efforts into religions to attain personal, political and worldly aims were bastardizations of the original purposes and ideals of personal development of Mind and Consciousness. What we see today as religions bear little resemblance to their original purposes and ideals. Some forms of religions we have now are little more than brain-washing dogmas and doctrines focused on splitting meanings of words and phrases but still based on beliefs by some person or other. A Whole Mind is a peaceful, serene, creative Mind which bears out in one's life as a peaceful, joyous, serene and constructive life. If a person's outer life is chaotic or deconstructive then we can know their inner thoughts are the same and are causing the outer."

Mind States when Demanding and Receiving Higher Knowledge
Figure 18.16 - Mind States when Demanding and Receiving Higher Knowledge

See Also

Etheric Elements

"For, none may tell another how to be beautiful. It must be the reflection of that entertained in the heart and mind of the individual. And as He is beauty, He is friendship, He is love, the more and the nearer individuals reflect that in their conversation, in their dealings with their fellow man, the greater the glory to Him." [Cayce (2574-1)]

Robert Fludd
"Henceforth, therefore, it plainly appeareth that all men are but Unity in essential virtue and act, which is so united to the first actor in Nature that it is altogether in truth inseparable and indivisible from it. Although men and all things else divide and branch themselves into different persons and shapes in respect of their Macrocosmical materials, for number, distinction, difference, and multitude are the defective progression of blindfold and deceitful matter. But in the subtle spirit and form... is stability, permanency, and Unity, from whence only the sweet consonance of peace and the world's harmony is extracted.
Then how far wand'rest thou (O fond Man) in the glimmering of darkness and error, which groundest thy faith on things subject unto the outward sense, which are only compositions of antipathy and discord, and neglectest to behold with spiritual eyes the central and hidden truth, where Unity abideth compassed about with gleeful joy and peaceful sympathy?
Return, return, (I say) unto thyself, subject thy body unto thy reasonable soul by diving into thy inward treasure, and then prostrate and submit... thy mental and spiritual part unto thy God; for so shalt thou be made one spirit with Him, conditionally that thou doest persevere in humility and acknowledge from thy heart that grace of thy Creator, by which thou shalt be glorified and exalted.
Wherefore I cordially admonish thee to ascend from this world unto God, that is, to penetrate quite through thyself, for to climb up unto God is to enter into thyself, and not only inwardly to visit thy dearest Soul but also to pierce into the very center thereof, to view and behold there thy Creator, which... thou mayest the better... gather and recollect the beams of thy inward man from the distractions of this outward world and revoke them from external actions, to participate with thy inward joys.
This is the life of the spiritual man, firmly to contemplate God and to be sweetly delighted and refreshed in that... speculation; yea, verily, it will be a most dear and pleasant apprehension to meditate on Him, love Him, and with admiration to adore and extol Him in heart. Wherefore, nothing can be more notable and excellent unto a blessed life than by closing up the carnal senses..." [Robert Fludd From book - "Robert Fludd", Edited by William Huffman]

Cornelius Agrippa
"The Key to the highest and divine philosophy of the mysterious powers of nature is reason. The brighter the sun of reason shines, the more powerful will the intellect grow, and the easier will it become for us to accomplish even the most wonderful things. But if the intellect is in the bonds of flesh, if it cannot overcome the errors received by inheritance and false education, it will be unable to penetrate into the divine mysteries of nature and God.
He who wants to enter into the sanctuary must die. He must die to the world and to external sensual attractions, die to his animal instincts and desires. Not that by such a death the soul would become separated from the body; but the soul must be able to step out of the latter.
Therefore Paulus writes to the Colossians: 'You have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God'; and at another place he says: 'I know a man (but whether he was in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows it) he was exalted into the third heaven.' Such a death must he die who wishes to know God, and only few are privileged to do so." [Cornelius Agrippa]

See Also

All Sound Religion
As a Man Thinketh
Awakening and Free Energy
Christ Consciousness
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
Dialogue on Awakening
Four Steps to Awakening
I Am
Totality of You

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday August 31, 2024 18:31:13 MDT by Dale Pond.