Franz Hartmann
A three headed monster in an alchemical flask, representing the composition of the alchemical philosopher's stone: salt, sulphur, and mercury; from Salomon Trismosin's 'Splendor solis'. Watercolour painting, c. 1900-1909 by E.A. Ibbs
"All things (man included) are composed out of three substances, and all things have their number, their weight, and their measure. Health exists when the three substances constituting a thing preserve their normal proportion of quantity and quality; disease results if this proportion becomes abnormal. These three substances are called Sulphur, Mercury, and Salt."
"This does not, of course, refer to the chemical substances known to us by these names. "No one can express or sufficiently describe the virtues contained in the three substances; therefore every alchemist and true physician ought to seek in them all his life unto his death; then would his labour surely find its just reward."
"The three substances are held together in forms by the power of life. If you take the three invisible substances and add to them the power of life, you will have three invisible substances in a visible form. The three constitute the form, and become separated only after the power of life deserts them."
"There are hundreds of different kinds of salt, sulphur, and mercury in the universe and in the human system, and the greatest arcana (potencies) are contained in them." ["Life of Paracelsus" by Franz Hartmann]
"The body renews itself, every atom, in seven years." [Cayce 3684-1]
"The body should in its elements be able, as it does continually, to reproduce itself and its functions and its reactions; making for not only revivifying or resuscitating forces but keeping nominally alive." [Cayce 1038-1]
"Know in self, first this: Thou art body, mind and soul, a three-dimensional individual in a three-dimensional consciousness. Hence ye find the Godhead, to a consciousness of an individual in the earth plane, is three dimensions: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each are individual, and yet they are one. So with the body-consciousness: the body, the mind and the soul. Each have their attributes, each have their limitations, save the soul. Nothing may separate the soul from its source save the will of self." Cayce (5089-3)
"For within the human body - living, not dead - living human forces - we find every element, every gas, every mineral, every influence that is outside of the organism itself. For indeed it is one with the whole. For it is not only a portion of, and equal to, and able to overcome or meet every influence within, but there is not the ability in the third dimensional force or influence to even imagine anything that isn't a part of the activity of a physical living organism!" Cayce (470-22)
"As the mental and the spiritual become more and more expressive, or controlling through the experience in the earth, the entity becomes aware of other dimensions in its material sojourn... While the body is subject to all the influences of materiality, it may be controlled - emotions thereof - by the mind. And the mind may be directed by spirit." Cayce (2533-1)
"Then, when ye abide in His presence, though there may come the trials of every kind, though the tears may flow from the breaking up of the carnal forces within self, the spirit is made glad . . ." Cayce (262-33)
"We have many phases of mind. We have the mind of the spirit consciousness, of the physical subconscious, or soul. We have the mind of the physical body, through which any or all of these may manifest." Cayce (900-21)
"These conditions, mind of the soul, mind of the physical body, mind of the spiritual entity, are separated, that one may gain the knowledge of its action." Cayce (900-21)
(Q) "Explain the law of the line of demarcation between soul and spirit."
(A) "This is one, yet distinct - even as the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit is one..." Cayce (5749-3)
"Mind is the builder, and - if there will be kept balance - the physical mind and the spiritual mind should cooperate, coordinate." Cayce (1593-1)
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so IS he (Proverbs 23:7)! Not what man says, nor what man even make out like he does. For we are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being; for, as has been given, the Spirit is the life, the Mind is the active force that, coordinated with the spirit that is of the creative energy, or of God, gives the physical result that is effective in every sense. Get that!" Cayce (270-17)
"That which the mind of a soul - a soul - dwells upon, it becomes, for mind is the builder. And if the mind is in attune with the law of the force that brought the soul into being, it becomes spiritualized in the activity. If the mind is dwelling upon or directed in that desire towards the activities of the carnal influences, then it becomes destructive." Cayce (262-63)
"For the mind is both spiritual and physical in its attributes to the human body, and if ye feed thy body-mind upon worldly things, ye become worldly. If ye feed thy mind upon those things that are His, ye become His indeed." Cayce (1299-1)
Plato's Dialogues
"All soul is immortal, for she is the source of all motion both in herself and in others. Her form may be described in a figure as a composite nature made up of a charioteer and a pair of winged steeds. The steeds of the gods are immortal, but ours are one mortal and the other immortal. The immortal soul soars upwards into the heavens, but the mortal drops her plumes and settles upon the earth.
Now the use of the wing is to rise and carry the downward element into the upper world?—there to behold beauty, wisdom, goodness, and the other things of God by which the soul is nourished." ["Phaedrus", Plato's Dialogues]
Katha Upanishad:
3. 'Know the Self to be sitting in the chariot, the body to be the chariot, the intellect (buddhi) the charioteer, and the mind the reins 3.'
4. 'The senses they call the horses, the objects of the senses their roads. When he (the Highest Self) is in union with the body, the senses, and the mind, then wise people call him the Enjoyer.'
5. 'He who has no understanding and whose mind (the reins) is never firmly held, his senses (horses) are unmanageable, like vicious horses of a charioteer.'
6. 'But he who has understanding and whose mind is always firmly held, his senses are under control, like good horses of a charioteer.'
7. 'He who has no understanding, who is unmindful and always impure, never reaches that place, but enters into the round of births.'
See Also
2.14 - Spirit as a Physics Attribute
2.2 - Spirit and Ether
7.8 - Matter and Spirit are Opposite Poles
18.15 - Body Mind and Spirit Relations - Cayce
18.12 - Body Motivated by Will Force
18.10 - Body Motivated by Mind Force
As a Man Thinketh
Etheric Elements
Quimby on Spirit Communication
Spirit Communication
Spiritual defined
Spiritual Advise from Sai Baba
Spiritual Growth