
sympathetic string

Sympathetic strings or resonance strings are auxiliary strings found on many Indian musical instruments, as well as some Western Baroque instruments and a variety of folk instruments. They are typically not played directly by the performer (except occasionally as an effect), only indirectly through the tones that are played on the main strings, based on the principle of sympathetic resonance. The resonance is most often heard when the fundamental frequency of the string is in unison or an octave lower or higher than the catalyst (exciter) note, although it can occur for other intervals, such as a fifth, with less effect.

The musician retunes the sympathetic strings for each mode or raga, so that when the corresponding note (or one an octave below it) is played on the main strings of the instrument, the sympathetic strings (called tarabs in Indian music) will vibrate in response, providing a lingering halo of sound.

Sympathetic strings are used to enhance the sound of an instrument. (wikipedia)

ChatGPT explores Sweet VTA, Dynasphere Actuators, material and harmonic interactions and functional principles of Free Energy [2/10/25]: [1] https://chatgpt.com/share/67aa0596-f7a0-800d-944e-a45ba2a67f24

See Also

Figure 10.01 - Tuning Forks in Sympathy
Sympathetic clock
Sympathetic Harp
Sympathetic Oscillation
Sympathetic Resonance
Sympathetic Vibration
tuning fork
1.3 - Brain Strung as a Harp

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday February 10, 2025 07:08:26 MST by Dale Pond.