
sympathetic leader

"Physicists have been working in the wrong direction to lead them to associate themselves with Nature's sympathetic evolutions. It is not necessary to advance farther into the unexplored region of these sympathetic flows than the ninths, to become convinced that the one I denominate the dominant is the leader toward which the remaining thirds of the triune combination (of triple sympathetic streams) co-ordinate, whether it be the cerebellic, gravital, or magnetic. When we reach the luminiferous track on the ninths, in the triple subdivision, we have proof that the infinite stream, from that unexplored region where all sympathetic streams emanate, is triune in its character, having the dominant as the sympathetic leader, to which the remainder of the celestial thirds are subservient; the cerebellum being the dominant, and the triplets (gravital, electric, and magnetic) following in its train." [Newton of the Mind]

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday December 28, 2017 03:40:17 MST by Dale Pond.