

"As the Truth flows as a stream of life through the Mind and purifies same, so will it purify and revivify and rejuvenate the body." [Cayce 294-183]

"(Q) How can I best prepare for old age?
(A) By preparing for the present. Let age only ripen thee. For one is ever just as young as the heart and the purpose. Keep sweet. Keep friendly. Keep loving, if ye would keep young." [Cayce 3420-1]


Aging is a program of mind control. It is a lie that people die of old age because there is no "age" for our DNA in cells.
The cells in our bodies are constantly renewing themselves, even in older people.

There are many errors in cell reproduction, but there is always a biological-emotional reason for our death.

It is not so easy for a person to die until the heart and lungs stop working.
People don't die of old age or disease, people die of their emotional conflicts that have led to this aging and later death.

There is no age for our DNA, we create boundaries with the years our bodies die.
Aging comes from negative thinking and a low vibrational state of dominance.

If we do not have the limited belief that it is normal to grow old, we will not grow old, or at least not at such a rate that aging is "normal".

This is because

- our skin regenerates every 3 months
- blood every 6 months
- the lungs are renewed every year
- the liver heals in 18 months
- the brain completely renews its cells every 3 years
- the skeleton regenerates completely in 10 years
- every muscle and tissue regenerates in 15 years
- even our personality renews itself every 7 years

We have to ensure our regeneration by all means - food, air, water that we bring and above all thoughts and information about ourselves.
A secret that has been carefully kept from us is that our DNA contains no data about our ageing.

The aging program is created solely by us in our minds, through our beliefs and convictions gained in the environment we were born, raised and live in.

We are so ingrained to believe that this is a normal way to live, age and die.
Fortunately, the reality for us is quite different. It's no secret that when we are lost in the past, we are always looking to the future.

And it's actually important to leave the past behind and move forward, live and change the present in your mind.

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday September 18, 2024 19:45:52 MDT by Dale Pond.