Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth And how did this CREATION of INDIVIDUALITY come about? As I said before, UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS reached a high point of mutual restraint and an explosion took place which tore apart the:
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A Russellian Extrapolation of the Creation of Alphanon from Plutonium Decay Creation Creation of Man desire for creation Divine order and law of creation Divine Symphony of Creation Energy of Creation Idea of Creation In the Wave lies the Secret of Creation law of Creation Light of Creation Magnetic Light of Creation movement of Creation order of creation origin of creation principles of creation Reality of Creation Scientific Creation secret of creation stages of creation story of Creation ultimate particle of Creation unit of Creation 13.30 - Phoenix Bird Resurrection Re-Creation Regeneration 14.02 - Three Six and Nine - The Principles of Creation 7.6 - Reciprocal Disintegration and Creation 9.8 - Spontaneous Creation of Harmonic Series