
middle in the majors

In the same way, but inversely, and still under the Law of Duality, the middle of the subdominant minor is lowered a flat. F#67 1/2 in the key of E minor is F64 in the key of A; B45 in the key of A is B?42 2/3 in the key of D; E60 in the key of D is E?56 8/9 in the key of G. This lowering by flats of the subdominant middle in the minors, responsive to the raising by sharps of the dominant middle in the majors, goes on through all the twelve minor keys.1 [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 62]

See Also

major key

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday November 5, 2020 05:37:19 MST by Dale Pond.