

Honesty is the secret of survival, and it minimizes nearly all the problems of life. The individual who is emotionally and mentally honest has a great deal more chance of being physically healthy. Because the disturbances of the emotions are what cause a great deal of sickness, almost all of the troubles that we have arise from the interference that we create between the levels of our own constitution. The mind betrays the heart, the heart betrays the health, and all these things fall into a common ruin.” [Manly Palmer Hall, Secret of the Untroubled Mind]

"Honesty is the beginning of wisdom. Without honesty, no great spirituality can be accomplished." [Manly Palmer Hall]

"Honest people want only what they have earned and if you intend to go forward in spiritual things you must first be honest, especially honest with yourself. Build character, deepen insight, create powers, unfold potentialities, not in a hasty way but in a slow, sure manner. You can never take out of the bank of the Infinite more than you have put in." [Manly Palmer Hall (Manuscript Lectures - Psychology, False and True p.9)]

See Also

Mind in Matter

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday December 9, 2023 03:45:18 MST by Dale Pond.