

noun: moral excellence or admirableness ("There is much good to be found in people")
noun: that which is good or valuable or useful ("Weigh the good against the bad")
noun: benefit ("For your own good")
adjective: appealing to the mind ("good music")
adjective: agreeable or pleasing ("We all had a good time")
adjective: most suitable or right for a particular purpose ("A good time to plant tomatoes")

"Sinful doubts are traitors,
And make us lose the good we oft might win,
By fearing to attempt them."
Shakspere. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme3, page 45]

"For, good - as virtue - must be its own reward." [Cayce 349-13]

"Good alone lives on." [Cayce 2051-5]

"The purpose of each experience is that the person may magnify and glorify that which is good." [Cayce 2599-1]

"WE WILL WORK TOGETHER for the good that may be in the experience of each! Get that 'together!'" [Cayce 1158-14]

"So live your own life, and create in the experience and minds of others, that there will develop something that may be carried on into eternity. For only good lives on." [Cayce 1731-1]

"Do good for Good's sake, do good because it brings contentment, it brings harmony, it brings peace, it brings relationships that create in the hearts of your friends JOY and HOPE and the LONGING for the greater knowledge of the SOURCE of good." [Cayce (417-8)]

"What is good? ... What is creative, what is constructive, ye may ask? That which never hinders, which never makes for the bringing of any harm to others." [Cayce 1206-13]

"Look for good and ye will find it. Search for it, for it is as a pearl of great price." [Cayce 1776-1]

"When you use what you have, more is given to you. There is enough every day if it is all used; not just for yourself. Not that you can't consider yourself, but losing yourself in good is the better way to FIND yourself." [Cayce 1206-13)]

"What is good? How is such defined in your life - of awakening to all the possibilities that exist in your intake of life and its phases? To do good is to think constructively, to think creatively." [Cayce 1206-13]

H. P. Blavatsky
"Theosophy, in its abstract meaning, is Divine Wisdom, or the aggregate of the knowledge and wisdom that underlie the Universe - the homogeneity of eternal GOOD; and in its concrete sense it is the sum total of the same as allotted to man by nature, on this earth, and no more." [The Key to Theosophy, by H. P. Blavatsky, 1889]

Franz Hartmann
"Life is a continual battle between error and truth; between man's spiritual aspirations and the demands of his animal instincts. There are two gigantic obstacles in the way of progress: his misconception of the nature of God and of Man. As long as man believes in an extra cosmic personal God distributing favours to some and punishing others at pleasure, a God that can be reasoned with, persuaded, and pacified by ignorant man, he will keep himself within the narrow confines of his ignorance, and his mind cannot expand. To think of some place of personal enjoyment or heaven, does not assist man's progression. If such a person desists from doing a wicked act, or denies himself a material pleasure, he does not do so from any innate love of good; but either because he expects a reward from God for his "sacrifice”, or because his fear of God makes him a coward. We must do good, not on account of any personal consideration, but because to do good is our duty. To be good is to be wise; the fool expects rewards; the wise expects nothing. The wise knows that by benefiting the world he benefits himself, and that by injuring others he becomes his own executioner." [Franz Hartmann]

Walter Scott
“But in this life we are still too weak to see that sight; we have not strength to open our mental eyes, and to behold the beauty of the Good, that incorruptible beauty which no tongue can tell. Then only will you see it, when you cannot speak of it; for the knowledge of it is deep silence, and supression of all the senses.
He who has apprehended beauty of the Good can apprehend nothing else; he who has seen it can see nothing else; he cannot hear speech about aught else; he cannot move his body at all; he forgets bodily sensations and all bodily movements, and is still.
But the beauty of the Good bathes his mind in light, and takes all his soul up to itself, and draws it forth from the body, and changes the whole man into eternal substance. For it cannot be, my son, that a soul should become a god while it abides in a human body; it must be changed, and then behold the beauty of the Good, and therewith become a god.” [Walter Scott, Hermetica: Volume 1 of 4]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday May 4, 2024 04:20:53 MDT by Dale Pond.