
elixir of life


Nikola Tesla
"As it is, I believe my abstinence from alcohol during the latter part of my life has lopped off fifteen years from my life, and now I expect to live only 135 years. Alcohol is the elixir of life, but when this country passed the Prohibition Law I felt that as a patriotic American I should stop drinking whisky. I have not touched it since.“ [Nikola Tesla, "Tesla, 80, Reveals New Power Source." New York Times. July 11, 1936.]

Robert Fludd
"Latent adhuc Lilium et Rosa inter spinas. Experientia Veritatis sigilum."
"This Elixir is the true temple of wisdom, the impregnable castle of Cupid, that powerful god of Love, the beauteous and bright city of the sages, the true pattern of the heavenly Jerusalem, the mark of perfection at which all imperfect spirits do tend as to the port of their final happiness, the scale of Justice, the queller and extinguisher of vice, and the final complement and exaltation of form, and exact being.
And therefore he that is not a true believer and lover of this excellent masterpiece, is drowned in darkness and has an iron gate before his eyes of understanding, for this is the mirror of truth, the clear Thummim of the ancient Jews in whose centre dwells their bright Urim as a divine soul in an unpolluted and chaste and virginal body, the gold of God, the gold that is to be bought of Christ, the guider of men's actions, the house of wisdom propped up with pillars.
And to conclude, instead of being an enemy to philosophy, it is the greatest friend she has; for the only Lady she serves, as the body does the soul, is wisdom, which is the summum bonum of the philosophers, and main subject of philosophy who therefore has her denomination from her love [of wisdom. Now the Elixir is the temple of wisdom, or the earthly sun of the philosophers which is as well the tabernacle of the divine emanation as the heavenly. The earth shall open and bring forth a saviour. Light is in darkness and darkness does not comprehend it." [Robert Fludd From book - "Robert Fludd", Edited by William Huffman]

Georgius Aurach de Argentina
“It is therefore necessary that we draw our Stone of nature from two bodies, before making a perfect Elixir of it, because it is necessary that the elixir be purer and more perfect than silver and that gold, since it must change imperfect bodies into the gold of the philosophers and the silver of the philosophers; what neither gold nor silver can do except as much as if they gave to another body their perfections; they would be imperfect, nothing being able to redden except as much as it is red and nothing can whiten as as much as it is white, but our Elixir in its perfection can perfect absolutely all the imperfect Bodies.” [Georgius Aurach de Argentina "Donum Dei"]

Kirpal Singh
"Khawaja Hafiz, a great divine, says:
From the turret of the Heaven, a call bids thee Home,
But fallen into the snares thou listeneth not.
No one knows where the Mansion of the Beloved lies,
But sure enough, the chiming of the bells proceeds therefrom.
Take the stop-cock from thy ears, and hear thou the voice of emancipation coming to thee,
Attach yourself not to the material world,
The elixir of life is showering from above.
The beat of Love while sounding in the Heavens,
Sends blessings to the souls of the devotees.
Jalaluddin Rumi, in his Masnavi, says:
Grow not skeptical, but attune thyself to the Sound coming down from the Heavens,
Thy soul shall have revelations from afar.
What are these? the glimpses of the Unrevealed; were I to speak of these sweet melodies,
Even the dead shall rise from their graves.
Rise above the horizon, O brave soul, and hear the Melodious Song coming from the highest heaven."
"A rare soul gets to this elixir of life,
Whosoever drinks of it, escapes death.
Hari Ras: Where It Is
In the sacred books of the various religions—the Vedas, the Smritis, and others—much praise has been bestowed on the Naam or Hari Ras. Water, water everywhere! but you have not a speck of it. You can see and taste its sweet elixir, if you invert. It is the Water of Life which is found in the temple of the body, and we can get to It by recession and withdrawal from the sensory plane. Emerson, the great American philosopher, advises us to "tap inside." Though this enlivening Spirit Current pervades everywhere, yet we cannot see It until we develop our Divya-Chakshu, the Inner Eye or the Single Eye as Christ calls it.
For developing the inner vision we have to go inside, and this is why the sages and the seers always tell us to invert into the chamber of the mind. By reading the scriptures, we may develop a love for the Science of the Soul but cannot know its practical working nor have a taste of It.
The study of the Vedas cannot give Hari Ras;
Entangled in mind and matter, one talks and talks,
The ignorant abide in darkness ever,
The devotee of the Master knows the Truth and sings of Him.
Hari Ras is all-pervading and is ever rich in Its fullness everywhere, in all the regions high and low. Its sweet strains also reverberate on all sides. But the unfortunate can have no access to It.
Hari Ras is all-pervasive but the unfortunate cannot have a taste of It.
Hari Ras is in the Temple of the Body:
When the light of His feet abides in the heart, one tastes of the Hari Ras.
Break through the bondage of delusion,
Then shalt thou see the wonder of wonders and drink the nectar.
Hari Ras is in Dasum Dwar (the tenth door) and when a soul rises above the nine portals of the body and transcends body consciousness, then it tastes this elixir:
The body is the temple of God,
You can deal in the commodity of Hari Ras.
Nine are the portals of the body and all end in a cul-de-sac with no way to real happiness,
The tenth alone leads to a delectable plane where one may partake of the Water of Life.
Grant me, Thou the Merciful One, the gift of the Elixir of Life through the Word of the Master." [Naam Or Word by Kirpal Singh]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday August 22, 2024 15:27:48 MDT by Dale Pond.