So many years I have spent looking at this diagram Tesla left in the court records of the Westinghouse bankruptcy proceedings. It is certainly the most economical way of communicating Tesla’s one wire, electrostatic compressional energy.
What does it tell us?
1) every transverse wave has a longitudinal component at 90 degrees.
2) a standing wave on the earth of electrostatic potential can exert a longitudinal force to the center of the earth
3) a longitudinal wave to the center of the earth, if at even spacing, and equal angles of force will shunt itself. Since this wave is electrostatic and longitudinal, it will not interact with matter, in any significant way.
4) a shunted electrostatic compressional force is by definition a damped wave (please refer to Tesla’s extensive explanations on damped waves)
5) the earth in this type of circuit has an “elastic” quality, and this elasticity exerts a “squeezing” of potential trapped in the earth, such that any tuned circuit, properly grounded can be seen as a spigot, a current will flow automatically.
6) the resistance in the circuit is infinitesimal, less than 2 percent. Most of that resistance is at the surface, when current is leaving, or entering the earth circuit. Once in the earth, the potential has close to zero loss.
7) because the earth can be seen as a cross section of a copper wire, the time that voltage/electricity travels from one side of the earth to the other is zero.
8) the larger the planet or sun, the less resistance will be in the circuit. The sun would have orders of magnitude less resistance than the earth.
His diagram of shade traveling across our planet is a study in pure logic, truly masterful communication of exceptionally insightful thought. [Don Best]
See Also
electrostatic attraction
electrostatic compressional energy
electrostatic force
electrostatic molecular force
electrostatic potential difference
electrostatic scalar potential
electrostatic strain
Franklins Electrostatic Motor
Laws of Electrostatic Induction