
diatonic succession

Chords in a harmony are not at liberty to succeed each other in the way that single notes in a melody may. The notes in a melody may succeed in seconds, or they may succeed in larger intervals, any interval in the octave, even sometimes very effectively there may be a leap or fall of a whole octave. Chords cannot follow each other in this free way; they are under law, and must succeed accordingly. Their law is that they must be linked together either by having something in common in their elements, or have small intervals, semitonic progressions, between them. The former way, by notes in common, is the most usual way in diatonic succession of chords, the latter way, by semitonic progression, is a chief feature and charm in chromatic succession; but both in diatonic and chromatic progression of chords in harmony, notes in common and semitonic progression are usually found together. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 68]

See Also

11.10 - Matter is the Recording of Sequential and Successive Steps of Polarized Thought
12.18 - Multiple Octave Progression
7.4 - Preponderant Sequentially
arithmetic progression
arithmetical progression
chromatic succession
Diatonic progression chords
diatonic succession
Geometrical Progression
harmonic progression
inverse progression
law of sequential preponderance
melodic succession
mode of succession
musical progression
progression of adjacencies
progression of keys
reciprocal progression
semitonic progression

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday March 24, 2021 02:49:55 MDT by Dale Pond.