"The notes as they naturally arise from unity have different degrees of development, and according to the degree of development of each note is its specific levity or gravity. The three notes which form the subdominant chord have different degrees of gravity; the three which form the dominant chord have different degrees of levity. The remaining note is the center of the tonic chord -
[Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 95]
See Also
13.23 - Degree of Concord Discord Determines
angles of 90 degrees
degree of development
degree of gravity
Degree of Harmonicity
degree of levity
Figure 18.06 - Hubbard Tone Scale of Degrees or Levels of Consciousness
Figure 3.29 - Discrete Degrees or Steps of Force and Energy
Figure 3.30 - Discrete Degrees or Steps in Gyroscopic Compression Motion
Figure 5.7 - Vortices on Three Planes 90 Degrees to Each Other
Figure 8.7 - Varying Degrees of Chordal Harmony and Discord
Light Rings formed at 90 Degrees to Magnetic Center Line
ninety degrees
plane of 90 degrees
specific gravity
subdominant chord