"The vessel in contemplation, the aerial navigator, will be over two hundred feet long, over sixty feet in diameter, tapering at both ends to a point, made of polished steel, and will be capable of being driven under the power of depolar repulsion, at the rate of three hundred miles an hour. It can be far more easily controlled than any instrument now in use for any phase of transit. Another very remarkable feature connected with this system of aerial navigation, is that the vessel is not bouyed up or floated in the air through the medium of the air, so that if there were no atmosphere it would float just as readily; hence, under mechanical conditions most certainly capable of production, involving massive strength of resistance to interstellar vacuity this can be made capable of navigating even the remote depth of space, positions between planets where polarity changes being controlled by other adjuncts of concentration for that purpose." Dashed Against the Rock
See Also
Aerial Navigation
aerial navigator
Air-ship Model
Celestial Sympathetic Radiation
Figure 7.8 - Gravity is the Life Sex and Power Principle
Figure 7.9 - Gravity aggregates Light into States of Matter
Figure 13.13 - Gravity Syntropic and Radiative Entropic Waves
Figure 13.18 - Russells Gravity Motor
Figure 15.03 - Opposing Forces of Gravity and Radiation
Figure 15.04 - Gravity Generates Matter about Neutral Centers
Figure 15.05 - Nine Pairs of Gravity Poles
Figure 17.02 - Gravity divides multiplies and balances Light and Sound
Figure 17.03 - Analysis of the Octave Gravity Bar
Figure 17.04 - Gravity Pressure Recorder - Bar Magnet
Figure 19.15 - Keelys Levitation Experiment
Gravity Control
Keelys Accomplishments
Keelys Aerial Navigation
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
Keelys Secrets - Introduction
Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships
Method of Aerial Transportation - 1655113
Part 17 - Gravity
Polar and depolar intermittent accumulator
The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex
Triune Polar Flows
The Universal Laws Revealed: Keely's Secrets
17.01 - Discovering Cause of Gravity
17.02 - Gravity Defined by Keely
17.04 - Speed of Gravity Propagation
17.06 - Gravity Defined by Cayce
17.07 - Gravity Discussed by Herchel
17.13 - Gravity or Levity
17.16 - Gravity Keely
17.18 - Keelys Gravity Experiments
17.19 - Gravity Keely
17.20 - Acoustic Levitation