Atlin is the name of the first Dynasphere we constructed during the winter of 1995-1996. (See Atlin Project). Dynaspheres, sometimes called Musical Dynaspheres, Globe Motors or Sphere Motors, were originally built in the 1870s or 1880s by John W. Keely in Philadelphia. (See original Globe Motor.) They were made as a power source to drive industry and to demonstrate the principles by which they operated. In those days there was only wind, water, steam and animal power. There was a worldwide effort of hundreds of inventors and engineers to develop a power system sufficient to power the world's industries. Keely was among them also endeavoring to develop such a power system. Eventually Tesla's system of AC power won out with powerful backing by George Westinghouse.
When Keely died in 1898 all of his research and writings and nearly all of his machines disappeared. It is theorized Morgan and especially Carnegie did whatever was necessary to wipe Keely out of history. There are precious few traces left indicating he even existed. With these dynaspheres Keely was able to power different work loads and demonstrated a larger unit four feet in diameter built to power a locomotive. The dynasphere you see pictured throughout this web site is one I made (with a hand-chosen research team) in the winter of 1995-1996 as my effort to rediscover Keely's lost technology. These unique devices are not so-called perpetual motion machines, which are impossible. We may call them continuous motion machines much like a water wheel made to move continuously by an ever passing stream of water. A water wheel will rotate continuously as long as the water flows and it holds itself together. The dynasphere is designed to operate within the stream of vibratory energies passing to and from the earth and in conjunction to those vibrations of the "celestial" domain. A dynasphere is a fractal both of the earth and of atoms each of which rotate continuously without end. They use neither chemical or other expensive fuels and are completely nonpolluting. Is an atom or a rotating planet a perpetual motion machine? Of course not. (We have not yet achieved full rotation. We have had it move on several occasions, however.)
Keely harnessed Mind Force in his devices and machines:
"Will force is a latent, spiritual element, neither gaseous nor otherwise. Its evolution is brought into action under certain spiritual conditions not now understood by science. Its protoplastic element is actually luminous, in respect to its latent flow from the cerebral domain; but all the flow that has ever been registered from the time of the birth of every volume of thought - all that ever existed, or will ever exist in the future - would not produce a substance of matter the size of a molecule." [Keely]

A Work of Art
""To the extent that you can extend the beauty of your imagined rhythms to material bodies built in the images of your spiritual conceptions those rhythms which you create are masterpieces of great art." Russell, [Home Study Course]
P.E.A.R. Proposition - Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
Engineering and Consciousness
The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program was established at Princeton University in 1979 by Robert G. Jahn, then Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, to pursue rigorous scientific study of the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes common to contemporary engineering practice. Over the next 28 years, an interdisciplinary staff of engineers, physicists, psychologists, and humanists has conducted a comprehensive agenda of experiments and developing complementary theoretical models to enable better understanding of the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality. Their research PROVED beyond a shadow of a doubt Mind in a force and does indeed have influence on/in/over matter. http://www.princeton.edu/pear/
Mind or Mind Force is evident in all our thought processes. Whereas conventional power sources pollute and are detrimental to human health and general well-being these dynaspheres appear to promote health and healing which has been an unexpected, surprising and serendipidous discovery. After many years of experience around many hundreds if not thousands of people it can not be doubted there is a powerful and coherent energy field around this device. Just exactly what this field is and what are its specific characteristics is being studied. It is theorized these healing (harmonizing) effects may be the result of the harmonic or coherent acoustic field initiated within the devices Neutral Center and extended in a coherent field around the device. This field extends for some distance and appears to vary according to the "quality" of people (their thought and attitude) in its immediate environment. Meditation and playfulness seem to enhance the field. If the field is pure chi, bioenergy, life force and/or love energy this makes sense. Most people can easily feel this field while some can see it. The theory seems to imply people in this field begin to entrain their mental and body energetic systems to the harmonic vibrations of this field. Our mental and body energy systems are usually "out-of-whack" due to stress, disease, etc. As our mental and body systems entrain they begin to function as a whole and in a more natural and optimum manner. Naturally occuring energy patterns re-emerge and a sense of well-being is experienced.
"Discord is disease, Harmony is Health." (Keely)
Many report the heart chakra is stirred into greater sensitivity. This is the theory anyway. Many report healing while in the dynaspheres field. We've seen many of these healings take place on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. Please take note: we are not making any claims here - simply reporting what we think we've seen and are investigating. There is definitely something positive going on and it warrants more investigation. Much more research is needed. Testimonials abound. Dale Pond
Return to Love
Q: I'm interested to know how the dynasphere can teach someone to Love or to remind them who they are?
A: To answer this properly would require a great many pages - which is why I built the svpwiki.com web site already containing over 8,000 entries. I'm truly sorry there is no quick and easy answer the best of which I came up with is:
The Dynasphere creates a special harmonized (Love) energy field that people feel and this feeling REMINDS them what LOVE feels like. It is this stirred memory that if embraced returns one to one's Higher Self - if they so choose to allow. Now, how all that happens can get fairly involved in science. . .
To begin one needs to know what a Dynasphere is (and isn't). (be sure to read the linked pages)
Then one needs to know what Love is.
Also who we are (I am).
If you read these pages and their links with an open Heart and Mind you will have answered your question:
See Also
Dynasphere Applications
Dynasphere Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Frequency Response Profile - A Novel Experiment
Dynaspheres to Europe Project
Dynaspheres to Japan
Dynaspheres to the World
Dynaspheric Force
Etheric Force
Etheric Liberator used with Atlin the Musical Dynasphere
Etheric Vapor
Figure 2.4.1 - Keely Harnessed Mind Force in his Machines
Figure 13.02c - Dynasphere Neutral Center
Figure 13.09 - Primary Emanations from within Dynaspheres
Figure 13.11 - Russells Ring of Motion Superimposed on Dynasphere Profile
Figure 19.01 - Keely and his original Dynasphere
Figure 19.02 - Dale Pond and his replica of Keelys Dynasphere
Figure 19.04 - Dynasphere Components
Figure 19.06 - Inside view of Keelys original Dynasphere
Figure 20.01 - Keely and his original Dynasphere circa 1889
Figure 20.02 - Dale Pond and his replica of Keelys Dynasphere 1996
Figure 20.04 - Dynasphere Components
Figure 20.15 - Dynaspheres Across America
Keelys Accomplishments
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
Mind Force
Mind in Machines
Musical Dynasphere
Part 19 - Musical Dynasphere - Historical
Part 20 - Musical Dynasphere - Current Research
Part 28 - Keelys Amazing Machines
4.4 - Idle Wheels on Natures Machinery
7B.13 - Mind Force in Machinery
20.02 - Keely Describing Dynasphere Construction