This is a lengthy exploration into how to make a Free Energy device powered by a Scalar Potential source. It is all theoretical but fits with the research. Build with caution (safety first!) and attention to detail. Details of theory as well as discussion of components, their purpose in the circuit and how all this comes together. I have many more questions about all this. Build at your own risk! This paper is theoretical. I bear not responsibility in how you may interpret this data and what you do with it. You are on your own and are fully responsible for your own actions. If you have questions: read, study and grok the linked document below.
ChatGPT discussion of what is Scalar Potential, how to create a localized Scalar Field, design and building circuits to tap this Scalar Field, feed back loops for self-powering :
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Free Energy
Differentiating Scalar Potential to Kinetic Motion - Part 1
Differentiating Scalar Potential to Kinetic Motion - Part 2