
Wall Street Talk

DECEMBER 5, 1887
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Wall-street has been listening to a good deal of gossip lately professing to give the details of a row among the leading controllers of the Richmond Terminal Company. There was going to be a hot fight, so went the prediction, over the control of tho coming election. President Alfred Sully was to be ousted, and a lot of other sensational things were sure to come to pass. People who believed these stories have been sadly fooled.
A very lively storm is brewing among the hopeful stockholders of the Keely Motor Company. Appeals for proxies and animated charges and counter-charges are flying in and out of Wall-street, the chief point of issue seeming to be whether the mysterious Mr. Keely shall or shall not impart his wonderful “secret” to "a custodian appointed by the court to resolve the same." Just what the reticent Mr. Keely himself thinks of all this contest doesn’t yet appear. It is fair to surmise, however, that he knows a good thing when he sees it, and his "secrets’" has been so generous a friend to the Keely family. In the past that he probably hasn't the heart to send it wandering around in this cold, cold world. Proxies or no proxies, Mr. Keely is likely—or at least this is Wall-street’s idea—Mr. Keely himself is likely to be his “secret’s” own sole nurse and protector for yet a while. And the ever-hopeful stockholders meantime should not be issuing fiery circulars and calling one another bad names.
The Keely mystery, however, isn't much denser than that which is wrapped about the latest issue of mortgage bonds on the elevated roads of this city. If has been learned that the vote to issue these bonds was taken last summer. At that time rumors floated around that such a thing was in view, but positive denials came from officers of the company. Absolutely no such bond issue was to be made, they said, adding that the rumors of new bonds were circulated by enemies who wanted to knock down the prices of elevated railway securities.
Published: December 5, 1887
Copyright © The New York Times

See Also

Keely Chronology

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday December 14, 2023 05:02:42 MST by Dale Pond.