
Universal Energy Unit

Russell "Time marks the periods between events. Man divides his time by the periodicities of this planet's revolution around the sun and subdivides it by its rotation upon its axis. These periods are again divided to act as man's necessary time dimensions. The Universal One divides His time by the periodicities of His inhalations and exhalations, which together make one universal constant of energy, and subdivides it into four* exactly equal unit constants of energy. These periodicities, and tonal and mid-tonal subdivisions, measure the dimensions of His idea in the illusion of form, Space, time, sex, temperature and other periodicities.

"Energy accumulates during genero-active inhalation (syntropy) by rising potential, and is dissipated during the radio-active exhalation (entropy) by lowering potential. The periodicities of inhalations and exhalations in all mass are absolute." Russell The Universal One

  • Four pairs one of which, the 4++, is considered as a single unit composed of a 4+ and a 4-.
Russell Music Keys

See Also

electric unit
light units
opposite sexes can unite as one
pairs of ring units
polarized unit
Russell - Ether to Unit
sexless unity
unit charge
unit of Creation
unit of matter
Unit of Mind Force
unit of the Universal Being
unit pairs
united pair
united pairs of rings
units of electric motion
units of motion
unity of God and man
Unity of Good
Universal Energy Unit

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday July 1, 2024 05:20:19 MDT by Dale Pond.