Toby Grotz is an electrical engineer with a background in power systems design. He has designed electrical systems for coal, natural gas and nuclear power plants. Mr. Grotz has been effectively managing projects in the energy and utility industry and researching alternative energy systems for 40 years. Work experience includes design and support for capital improvements for power plants rated up to 1800MW.
He has conducted research on hydrogen gas generators, advanced lighting circuit design for plasma arc lamps, investigated and conducted experiments on Cold Fusion Systems and Low Energy Nuclear Change phenomena in arc discharge systems, Tesla’s Wireless Transmission System (100 KVA, 20 MV system), non-inductively would coils, mirror image symmetry windings and many other phenomenon during his career.
His understanding of resource depletion and its relation to worldwide energy usage and electrical generation comes from his work at the beginning of his career exploring for fossil fuels in coastal waters on the East Coast of the USA and in the deserts and jungles of Mexico.
Mr. Grotz began his relationship with Mr. Tewari using a typewriter in 1983. He has visited Mr. Tewari’s lab eight times since 1993 and conducted measurements of Tewari’s electrical equipment with test equipment certified to be compliant with the National Bureau of Standards. In 1997 he put www.tewari.org online in order to present the theories and experiments conducted by Mr. Tewari to a worldwide audience.
Mr Grotz has organized and chaired conferences examining new thoughts in physics. He organized and with Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher chaired the 1984 Tesla Centennial Symposium. He also served on the steering committee organized to host the first International Symposium on New Energy held in Denver in April of 1993 and was chairman of the 1994 International Symposium on New Energy and President of the institute for New Energy.
Mr. Grotz received his BSE in electrical engineering form the University of Connecticut in 1973.
Declaration of Independence from Fossil Fuels
Tesla and Vedic Philosophy
See Also