The Scranton Tribune January 21-1899


Mr. Kinraid Will Endeavor to Discover It.

Boston, Jan. 20.–T. Kinraid, the sole legatee of the Keely motor, who is at present engaged in experiment at Jamaica Plain for the purpose of discovering If possible, secrets of the inventor, said today that dispatches from Philadelphia, telling how an examination of the inventor's workshop disclosed the presence of mysterious tubing from which it was surmised that compressed air had been the force used in Keely's experiments, amounted to nothing. Mr. Kinraid said that he was in Philadelphia last week and while there visited the Keely place. "It did not look any different to me then than it has at any time since I first saw it," he said, and added: "I told the owners of the building at that time that it would be unwise to leave the mass there, as it would create a lot of theories among those who might visit the building with a desire to make a sensation out of a small and unimportant matter."

Mr. Kinraid was asked if he would say if it was true or not that there was tubing used in connection with the great steel sphere found last week, thus forming an agency for the forces that moved the motor in the exhibition room. Mr. Kinraid answered: "I cannot make any reply to this direct question in view of my position with the company. However, the members of the stock company who have been putting in their money to carry on this work knew all about this force, and if they thought it was a swindle as stated in this story from Philadelphia they would not be long in saying so."

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