A book by Dale Pond, published 1994. Explore Keely's 40 laws of physics of love, of harmony and of consciousness in an easy-to-understand and exciting book. The universal laws in this book are applicable to music, electronics, mechanics, healing and all branches of science and philosophy. This rapidly expanding science demonstrates the commonality that underlies all phenomena - vibration. Another name for Sympathetic Vibration is Love. This work is designed to give you an insight and understanding of the basic principles operating within the realm of sound and vibration. This book was primarily written to explain the basics of SVP as found in "Universal Laws Revealed: Keelys Secrets". It is also designed to enhance the evolution of a more wholistic philosophical concept of life and nature.
Sequel to this book, 2013: Keelys Laws of Being. This new book picks up where The Physics of Love leaves off.

Physics of Love Review
I recently finished reading a book whose title…let’s just say…had me at ‘hello.’ The Physics of Love, Dale Pond’s insightful book into the nature of our vibrational universe offers an incredibly helpful insight into the inner workings of physics in a way us normal folks can readily understand. The diagrams and premises are well thought out and explained.
One of my favorite sections of the book involves a detailed study of the profound effects of music on the soul. We all know that sound and music are vibration and therefore either positively or negatively affect the person, yet the explanations Dale shares in Physics of Love were some of the best I’ve ever read, and thanks to him, I now feel I have an inkling of how it all works – at long last!
Perhaps the greatest gift of the work is the introduction to Keely, a man who inspired Madame Blavatsky, and his undeniable influence on modern physics remains widely unknown until now. Dale wisely introduces Keely’s teachings so a wider audience may hopefully come to a greater understanding of his work and put his many hypothesis toward a better understanding of the world around us in the future.
As a past life therapist, I couldn’t help but wonder the connection Dale and Keely must share. I found myself asking: “Are they one and the same?” or is Dale merely a channel for Keely’s intellect? I can only speculate…
Physics of Love is highly recommended to those seekers who wish for greater understanding of quantum physics and a more scientific approach to the vibrational frequencies and the multidimensional world we live in.
Shelley Kaehr, Ph.D.
Lewisville, TX
June 25, 2008
"It's slow reading - at times difficult reading, but when one finishes there is a strong and basic insight into fundamental principles. I cannot recommend it highly enough." Special from Frederic Stoessel: Recommended reading for those who want to know answers to what is really going on.
"I did, however, want to thank you for your warm list welcome and tell you how thrilled I am to be reading your "The Physics of Love" book. I have only recently come across it, but this is definitely the right timing, as I have been intensely studying Earth energy, vibrational frequencies and everything in between for two years. I'd been searching for exactly what it was that I'd "discovered" - and this was difficult, since I'd been exploring so many different functions of vibratory physics - genetics, color therapy, health, sound, psychology, radionics, crystallography and how these might be tied into ancient history and ancient art.
I was extremely pleased to see your umbrella diagram on page 4, breaking "Sympathetic Vibratory Physics" into all the various fields. This was a beautiful confirmation for me that even though I might be studying many parallel "lines" , I am still on one basic track." C. 10/98
To purchase: svpbookstore - A new updated version is in the book.