
Subminor and supermajor

In music, a subminor interval is an interval that is noticeably wider than a diminished interval but noticeably narrower than a minor interval. It is found in between a minor and diminished interval, thus making it below, or subminor to, the minor interval. A supermajor interval is a musical interval that is noticeably wider than a major interval but noticeably narrower than an augmented interval. It is found in between a major and augmented interval, thus making it above, or supermajor to, the major interval. The inversion of a supermajor interval is a subminor interval, and there are four major and four minor intervals, allowing for eight supermajor and subminor intervals, each with variants. Wikipedia, sub minor and sub major

1 Subminor second and supermajor seventh
2 Subminor third and supermajor sixth
3 Subminor sixth and supermajor third
4 Subminor seventh and supermajor second

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday April 22, 2017 04:33:39 MDT by Dale Pond.