
Source One

Source One
Source One
Source One

"For years Keely has been trying to utilize his discoveries for the material and moral advantage of humanity: and yet he feels, as Buckle has said of the present acquirements of science, that the ground only is broken, that the crust only is touched. The loftiest pinnacle which has been reached by the men who are foremost in their constructions of the method by which the one source of all energy works in the material world, is too insignificant a position to obtain even an outlook towards the vast realm that Keely figuratively describes as the infinite brain; or the source from which all "sympathetic-leads" emanate, that connect mind with matter. Realizing that all conditions of matter are but as vain illusions, he never falters in his determination to reach after the hidden things of God, if haply he may find them. Even the goal which he seeks to attain lies, in his own estimation, on the outermost border of this crust; and well he knows that it never can be reached in any other way than by principles of exact science and by pursuing a path that is at all times lighted by reason." [Progressive Science]

See Also

Mind Force the hidden Scalar Force
Mind of God

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday September 21, 2024 03:23:35 MDT by Dale Pond.