
Schauberger Patent 142032

Specification Of Patent No. 142032
Class 85c. Issued 11th June 1935.
Application date: 22nd February 1934 - Patent applies from: 15th January 1935
It is known that mineral water is produced in such a way that salts are mixed with any variety of hygienically impeccable tap or spring water and that gases are introduced under a pressure of at least 2-3 atmos- pheres, usually under a higher pressure, however. It is also known that to produce sodawater, carbon-dioxide is introduced into the water under a mechanical pressure of about 12 atmospheres, creating a corre- sponding concentration of so-called free carbonic acid, which appears to be bound in the water by mechanical means only. A similar process is involved in the manufac- ture of "fizzy pop".

In the artificial manufacture of mineral water, carbon-dioxide is similarly intro- duced under greater or lesser pressure, which in any event, however, is greater than 1 atmosphere, wherein a sufficient quantity of certain salts is admixed as the taste of the mineral water demands. A fur- ther well-known method of producing effervescent drinks consists in dissolving any easily soluble carbonate (sodium bicarbonate for example) and adding weak acids (such as tartaric or citric acid), through which free carbonic acid is similarly evolved, which is the cause of the prickly taste of the drink thus created.
The present case, however, concerns the production of water of a kind in which car- bon-dioxide is not merely concentrated in unbound form, but is -contained in bound form, and in every respect is similar to good, high-grade springwater, wherein the manufacturing process emu- lates the processes in Nature as far as possible.
Sterilised water flows down pipe m under a cold, mercury-vapour lamp and mixes with the salt solution coming from duct l. In vessel C the salts are actually dis- solved and well stirred by mixer g. The quantity and type of salt is naturally dependent on the composition of the par- ent water, which in most cases will be any variety of surface water exhibiting certain permanent degrees of hardness. On the other hand, through the addition of salts, the hardness of the water to be produced should not be caused to exceed 12 degrees, otherwise the product would be difficult for industry to use. For every 10 litres of any average quality parent water, 1 litre of salt solution is prepared in which about 0.02g sodium-chloride, 0.02g magnesium- sulphate, 0.02g sodium-biphosphate, 0.008g potassium-nitrate and 0.2g calcium- oxide are dissolved. The type and quantity of these salts are the result of several hun- dred experiments. Since in the beginning the calcium-oxide is only partially dis- solved in the water, and on the other hand, the evolving calcium hydrate is sensitive to atmospheric carbon-dioxide, the vessel is sealed against light and air. In order to maintain a constant rate of discharge from vessel C, it is placed under a constant pres- sure of 0.1 atmospheres = 1 water-column metre. The concentrated salt solution is continuously added to the water in pipe m drop by drop and the mixture of both flu- ids flows into the atomising unit D, where it is sprayed into the interior of the vessel through the small holes n in the pipe, whereas the already previously prepared carbonated water is sprayed outwards from atomising pipe k.
The droplets of both types of water then precipitate, mixing together drop by drop en route in the same way that in Nature every drop on its way down into the Earth first dissolves salts and absorbs gases. This quantity of water now flows into unit E containing tulip-like glass bulbs and always rises up in the outer glass tulip, subsequently to be made to descend in the inner glass tulip, in order to rise further through the innermost riser pipe into the next higher outer tulip. During this process the water therefore follows a meander-like path en route to the process- es described later. The gas, that is to say, predominantly the carbon-dioxide, always accumulates in the upper part of the tulip and once the pressure has risen sufficient- ly, will then be continuously injected into the path of the rising water in the inner- most riser pipe via the tube r, in which the very finest jets have been incorporated, so that any carbon-dioxide not previously bound, will be forced to bind itself with the water. On the axis of this component of the apparatus, an alternating series of gold and silver laminates are attached, but which are insulated from each other. A cer- tain potential is created between both met- als, giving rise to the weak ionisation of the water.
Further along its path, the water enters the main mixer F. This consists of an exter- nally thermally-insulated cylindrical metal vessel, silver-plated on the inside, incorpo-rating an Archimedes screw-like auger,
which rotates in the opposite direction to that in which the spiral is generated. In addition, cooling coils are affixed to the surface of the spiral blades, which cool the water to +4°C, whose ennobling process begins at 17°C. The effect of this drop in temperature is of integral significance to the actual process of ennoblement. By being cooled, on the one hand the water's capacity to absorb gases will be increased and on the other, the substantial binding of free carbon-dioxide (without application of pressure) in such ample measure is only possible through cooling.
The Ca(HCO3)2 (calcium-bicarbonate) is an extremely labile compound, which is responsible for the concentration of the so-called dissolved carbon-dioxide (bound carbonic acid) in the water. However, the substantial binding of Ca(HCO3)2 and with it the proper and effective binding of the carbon-dioxide (carbonic acid) to the water is only possi- ble with the right degree of simultaneous cooling. In this connection, the starting temperature of the water should not exceed about 20°C and the end tempera- ture must approximate +4°C. Attention should also be paid to the rate of cooling and if this takes place too rapidly, suffi- cient binding will likewise not be achieved. Before leaving this vessel, the water must again pass by gold and silver laminates, whose function has previously been described, finally reaching the stor- age vessel I, which is divided into two chambers G & H. The water only reaches chamber H by overflowing from chamber G, for the following reasons. With the treatment of the water in the way out- lined above, certain delayed reactions occur. Only when these have ceased can the water be described as completely ready to drink. It is also necessary that this process should take place entirely in the dark (insulated from light), since experiments have shown that similar processes of ennoblement under the influ- ence of light yield a more inferior water.

1. The process for the production of springwater-like drinking water is charac- terised by the mixing of sterile water, alloyed with small quantities of various salts in a finely atomised state, with equal- ly finely atomised carbonated water, In which the mixed product is cooled on an extended route comprised of cross-section al profiles of various shapes and forms.
2. In accordance with Claim 1, the atomisation of the salt-alloyed water is effected by means of a perforated systems of tubes, through which it is expressed into a sealed, dark, air-tight vessel and as it falls towards the bottom of the vessel, mixes drop by drop with similarly atom- ised carbonated water, also issuing from perforatedtubes.
3. In relation to Claims 1 and 2, the mixed product flows through an appara- tus isolated from light and air, in which the water describes a meander-like course and is alternately conducted through narrow and broad cross-sections, whereby the car- bon-dioxide precipitated at the broader cross-section is re-injected into the water at the narrower section.
4. In relation to Claims 1 to 3 of the process, the water is further conducted through a mixing unit in which it must describe a screw-like path, wherein the screw turns in the opposite direction to the turn of the thread and on whose surfaces cooling coils are attached for the purpose of raising the water's capacity to absorb gas as it is cooled towards the anomaly point of +4°C.
5. In order to carry out the process, cer- tain equipment is necessary according to claims 3 & 4, wherein it is hereby stated, that an alternating series of gold and silver laminates are affixed at well-insulated positions.
See Figure 3
Note: Figures referred to in patent text relate
to those indicated in fig. 3 of this book.

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday October 30, 2022 03:41:33 MDT by Dale Pond.