
SVP Symposium Report



originally published in Borderlands Magazine

On May 20 and 21, 1989, a small group of scientists and music lovers gathered in Colorado Springs to get news on the latest developments in Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. The event was the 2nd International Keely Symposium, having been named for John Ernst Worrell Keely, the pioneer researcher in this field over 100 years ago. Keely put together some very interesting machines in his time. At the conference, several of the speakers explored the principles behind these devices, and gave presentations and ideas that extend this work.

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics deals with the study of waveforms, harmonics, and resonance as applied to problems of power. As stated in the masthead of the Journal of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, "...all forces are derived from One Force and all things are connected through sympathetic attunement." Speakers included Dale Pond, the organizer of the Symposium; Pamela Hughes, a noted harpist and music healer; Walter Baumgartner, the publisher of Energy Unlimited Magazine; Peter Kelly of Interdimensional Research; Jerry Decker of Vanguard Sciences; Ben Iverson, mathematician, and others.

Dale Pond, Dan Davidson, Jerry Decker, Walter Baumgartner, and Peter Kelly each demonstrated design possibilities for devices that can be built now, based on already established principles of resonance and harmony. These devices have the capability of generating energy much more efficiently than anything available today, while using little or no critical natural resources and apparently producing no pollution. The variety of possible designs is quite large, and prototypes of several of the devices have been built and are now being tested.

Walter Baumgartner has made a thorough study of Viktor Schauberger's work in Vortexian Mechanics, which stems from an observation that inside natural vortexes in streams of water, antigravity effects have been observed. He publishes a magazine called Energy Unlimited, which goes into detail on these designs. Also, several articles in past issues of The Journal of Borderland Research provide more details on Schauberger's work.

Decker and Pond are attempting to reconstruct some of Keely's original designs, and reported on the progress of their work. Decker has observed three enharmonic natural forces that he named Pressor, Harmonic, and Dominant. Pressor causes molecular disassociation. Harmonic reduces molecular activity. Dominant rearranges the mode of oscillation and makes transmutation possible. By changing proportions of these forces in an object, you change the mass at will, and thus can produce levitation, transmutation, and manifestation by natural law. Drawing heavily on the work of Walter Russell, Decker gave many illustrations of the way matter can be transformed.

Peter Kelly explored magnetic fields and energy in depth.

He said that, if you remove the magnetic component of any wave, you have total access to its "energy as information". This is how to get leverage with natural forces, allowing you to do "anything that you're clever enough to do". He said that psychotronics is essentially the process of removing a magnetic field long enough to get that access. The Earth's magnetic field is in a period of decrease right now, which partially explains why so much is happening on the planet. This field has declined by 30% since measurements were first taken. It is also possible to phase-cancel a local human body magnetic stress, thus allowing healing to take place. This is the principle behind many psychotronic devices. Think of the human body as a semiconductor matrix to understand this better. Peter also mentioned how waves consistently ride on top of waves, which opens up a universe of operational possibilities.

Of course, time and again it was noted how many of the people who work on free energy or psychotronic devices undergo serious persecution or, worse, complete apathy from society. Dan Davidson explored this phenomenon in detail and concluded that, for free energy to actually happen, the inventor is going to have to be willing to give the concept away, in order to avoid persecution.

Shine Richards of Earth Resonance explored the keynotes of nature, and better ways to visualize gravity and magnetism. In a presentation suffused with numerous illustrations, he introduced the work of Thomas Jefferson Jackson See, a mathematician and astronomer who lived about 70 years ago. Significantly, Shine concluded that all spherical bodies have a resonance to each other by virtue of their shape. This concept opens up more design possibilities for radionic and free energy devices. Some of Shine's work will be the subject of future articles in the Journal.

Ben Iverson made a dramatic announcement of "The Grand Unified Field Theory". Iverson, a civil engineer by trade, has spent over 40 years researching Quantum Arithmetic, a discipline that ties together physics, astronomy, music, and pure mathematics in a science of proportion and harmony. In his announcement, he showed how it is possible to calculate any dimension of a system by knowing the proportions between components of the system along with any one dimension. He then illustrated how this process applies to music, geometry, astrophysics, and the I Ching.

Iverson used a test case of the distance of the Earth from the Sun as a model for the way many other natural processes work. Because of the elliptical shape of the Earth's orbit, the proportions of the orbit work out to a sequence of 59, 1, 60, 1. These proportions are actually more important than the numbers in miles. They also create a harmonic cycle that causes the Earth to pass through a triangulated quantum point about every 3 days, 1 hour, and 1 minute. The quantum points alternate between negative and positive, and may help to explain certain cyclic chemical phenomena, such as crystal structure variations and neurotransmitter "tides". The Earth's orbit is no different from an electron orbit, so Iverson used the 38th spectrum line of chlorine to illustrate how a similar set of harmonic proportions determines the binding site to atoms of sodium to form salt.

The legendary "Music of the Spheres" works in harmonic proportions as well, and involves the fourth force of the Universe. This music is plotted out in the Chinese Book of Permutations, known as the I Ching. Keynotes given in that book can be shown to match those developed independently by Archimedes several centuries later.

Music is a vital part of the science of the future. Many of the devices that could produce more efficient energy work on musical principles. Some of Keely's motors built in the 1880's actually were started by singing or playing a musical note. Pamela Hughes, who studied with Laurel Elizabeth Keyes, discussed how music works on a technical level to hurt or help the human body. For every pain or blocked area, there is a companion tone. When there is reverberation, music seems to have a more powerful effect on the body. She also mentioned that every part of the human body is somehow involved in hearing, especially the heart. At the end of her talk, she sang and played a very powerful healing song called "Angel and Animal" that deeply touched everyone at the conference.

Lia Lissant, a composer and scientist from the San Francisco area, presented a dramatic new set of terminology for phenomena associated with music and healing. She also said that digitally recorded music does not possess the full frequency characteristics necessary for proper reception by human body cells, and strongly advocated an enhancement of analog recording techniques. Later in the conference, Lia gave a fun demonstration of the phenomenon of "party levitation". Both Lia and Pamela emphasized the fact that the human mind is the ultimate healing and energy-producing instrument. from Michael Riversong web site

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday April 24, 2016 05:49:31 MDT by Dale Pond.