
Plants as Detectors of the Biofield

"Plants as detectors of the biofield."; Morozova, E. V., A. P. Ilyina, and E. B. Dashevskaya.
By using plants as detectors, it was discovered that information-carrying biofield radiation penetrates shields of grounded metals, glass, wood, water, etc. Water can function as an accumulator-transmitter.
Suggests that plants with specific features can be developed. If so, it might also be possible to develop bacteria with specific traits. Note that if the "biofield" consists of zero-sum vectors (and thus of patterns inside electromagnetic zero-vector resultants), it consists of a special kind of electromagnetic potential. In that case the Faraday shield penetrating capability can be precisely accounted for. Detection, of course, would require detection of time-rate-of-change of scalar potentials with horizontal slopes (zero envelope gradients; zero E and B fields macroscopically), something not done by normal detectors, but certainly permitted by the Bohm-Aharonov effect in quantum mechanics.
Psi Research. 1(3), Sept. 1982. p. 92.

See Also

Mind in Plants

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