![Placebo Mechanism](https://svpwiki.com/imageswiki/Placebo-Mechanism.jpg)
The pituitary gland effects or controls nourishment, body building and proper food intake. It also guides sense of smell and taste, size of our bodies and mental power. [Kapp, Glands Our Invisible Guardians]
The Christ Letters
"ALL THE THOUGHTS taking form in your brain descend into your pituitary gland via your hypothalamus, and the negativity and emotional trauma (lowered vibrations) they contain is passed on to your organs, blood and entire body, causing a depletion in energy and eventual illness.
This is the phenomenon producing PSYCHOSOMATIC ailments acknowledged by the medical profession." [The Christ Letters, A14]
See Silence
See Also
Chakra System
Endocrine System
Law of Correspondence
Placebo Effect
Table of Correspondences
Table of Glands and Correspondences