36. It is commonly stated in science textbooks that the earth is a giant magnet. That is not true to Nature's processes. The equator of a magnet is not a center of gravity. The center of the earth is a center of gravity.
All matter, whether of earths, suns, or corpuscles, is formed between the opposite poles of two magnets. To produce the effect of gravity, two dividing equators must be united as one. (See Figure 78 to 83, page 151)

Man's bar magnets are cylinders of unchanging condition. Nature's magnets are cones of ever-changing conditions. (See Figures 158-159, page 168)

The equator man's magnets is of zero curvature and centers its poles. The equator of Nature's magnets is curved and is off center. Much confusion has arisen from this misconception. (See Figures 159-160, page 168)
[Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 78]
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