29. The electric action-reaction of universal thinking might be likened unto an outward-inward explosion. This Mind universe is engaged in thought expression everywhere. From every point in the universe little and big outward-inward, polarizing-depolarizing explosions are continuously taking place.
The outward actions manifest the giving half of the cycle of the Love principle which motivates this universe. The inward reactions manifest the regiving half of the cycle. Nature never takes. It but gives for regiving.
An action anywhere is repeated everywhere. The measure of desire for action is measured out on wave axes in octave harmonics at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Octave harmonics on wave axes are east-west magnetic poles. The same measure of desire is marked out from the same zero source in the north-south polar directions which extend from the centering zero at 90-degrees from the equatorial plane of the east-west poles.
Matter is born at zero planes of equal potential. Polarization builds it up to maturity at 90-degrees from zero planes. Depolarization then returns it to the zero of its birth.
If similar balloons were inflated, they would touch each other at six points on their curved surfaces. To continue the inflation until empty spaces were filled would flatten those curved surfaces until they became six flat planes of zero curvature.
That is what happens in Nature. Cube wave fields are thus formed to bound wave fields, and to insulate one from another by compelling a reversal of direction and polarity when radii meet those planes of zero curvature.
The entire inner structure of every wave field is curved, beginning with the sphere which centers it and ending at the planes of zero curvature which bound it.
30. Every wave field is a cosmic projector which radiates light outward through the concave lenses of spheroidal pressure gradients to bend toward the mirrors of wave-field boundaries of zero curvature, where curvature reverses as it is reflected into neighboring wave fields. It is also a receiver of light rays which bend inwardly toward its center of gravity by way of the convex lenses of pressure gradients.
31. True cube wave fields occur only where true spheres are formed. This occurs in only one place in the entire nine-octave wave cycle. That one place is carbon. The crystals of pure carbon are true cubes. I will amplify this fact later.
32. The three-dimensional illusion of Nature is caused by a series of three light mirrors of zero curvature which center the cube in three planes — all of which are at right angles to each other — and six boundary mirrors of the cube — which are likewise at right angles to each other. (See Figures 106 to 114, pages 158-159)
33. This is a zero universe of rest from which motion is projected into seeming existence, and then is retracted into its zero of rest.
That zero-bounded field of reversed motion withdraws within its central zero as it depolarizes, leaving a complete record of the pattern of its actions-reactions in the zero inert gas of its octave wave for repolarizing into the same patterned form as it reappears.
34. Every action-reaction is three. Three is the basic number of this universe. Three is a two-way polar extension of its centering source. Three is the fulcrum and the lever. Three is the expansion-contraction from a centering source of your heartbeat and the heartbeat of the universe.
Three is balance extended to two equal-and-opposite balances. Three is the sexless Father-Mother, divided and extended to the sex-conditioned father and mother. Three is your inbreathing-outbreathing, and it is the piston of the wave-trough wave-crest, compression-expansion pump which this universe is.
Three is the one dimension of polarity - north and south, or east and west - but the three-dimensioned volume which polarity centers and bounds is three multiplied by three.
Three is the sphere, for the sphere is but one form of the three dimensions of length, breadth and thickness. Its radii are alike in all three dimensions. It has no diagonals, angles or planes.
Nine is the hot spherical sun crystallized into the cold cube of space. The cube is nine- dimensional. Its eight tones and um are nine. Its eight diagonals and fulcrum are nine. Its extended planes and six boundary planes are nine.
Nine is the octave wave which consists of four extended pairs, centered by the zero of their source.
35. Beyond nine Nature cannot pass. Every action-reaction however, must add up to nine. Not one event in Nature can be more or less than nine. (See Figure 114, page 159) [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 76-77]
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