The law says that "the amount of energy in the universe is constant."
That is true because energy is unchanging in the undivided Light-at-rest. But the scientific meaning back of that true law is not Nature's meaning.
Energy belongs to the invisible universe. It is extended into the visible universe of motion ONLY FROM A FULCRUM which is at rest. The energy, however, does not pass beyond the fulcrum into matter, or condition of matter, or motion of matter. That which passes beyond rest into motion is an expression of energy - a simulation of energy - an effect projected from a cause to demonstrate what energy can do when projected into the illusions of motion.

Energy thus expressed might be likened unto the countless actions of a motion picture. The motion thus expressed simulates the energy, and the IDEA, which has been projected from an undivided mental Source through a divided electric wave source by the way of a fulcrum zero upon which the wave oscillates.

It cannot be said, therefore, that the energy simulated by the motion picture is in the picture rather than in the source of the picture.
Likewise, the same cannot be said of Nature's cosmic cinema motion picture of cause and effect, which the Master Playwright has projected upon the screen of space from the Light of His knowing through the light lenses of His electric thinking.

To prove that the scientific meaning of the truly stated law is not Nature's meaning, I will quote from a science text book which explains the meaning of the law as follows: "This law means.... that if energy appears in one form it must have disappeared from another in corresponding amount."
The words "appears" and "disappears" indicate that energy is meant to be actually within the visible motion and not in its fulcrum. [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 32-33]
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