In order to know more dynamically what electricity really is, I will define it. I will then amplify my definition by example.
Electricity is an effect of strain, tension and resistance caused by the energy of desire in the Light of Mind to divide and extend the balanced unity of the ONE still Light of Universal Mind into pairs of many divided units of thinking-Mind.
When electric strains and tensions cease to oppose each other, electricity ceases to be. Electricity is dual action-reaction. When dual actions-reactions cease to vibrate, electric effect is voided by the one universal condition of rest.
Sound vibrations of a harp string are an electrical effect. The electrical vibrations of sound are a division of undivided silence. When sound vibrations cease, silence has "swallowed them up" by voiding them.
The IDEA of the silent harp string note eternally exists. Electrical division into sound manifests the IDEA, but the IDEA belongs to silence, and to silence it returns for reborning again as a simulation of IDEA.
The two electric pressures formed by the division of the universal equilibrium have separate offices to fulfill. The negative pressure expands to create space by dividing potential and multiplying volume. Conversely, the positive pressure contracts to multiply potential into solids by dividing volume.
Electricity thus performs the "work" of the world by straining toward separateness and multiplicity of units and also by relaxing from such resisted strains and tensions until motion ceases its vibrations by withdrawing into the universal stillness.
The only "work" performed in this universe is the "work" caused by the strains and tensions of electrically-divided matter in motion.
Matter moves only to seek rest and balance.
Matter neither repels nor attracts matter. All matter which is out of balance with its environment, volume for volume - or potential for potential - will move only to seek rest in an equipotential environment of equal volume displacement.
That is why air or ocean currents move, and for no other reason than to seek their lost equilibrium. And while they move they will perform "work", - and the measure of their power to perform "work" is the measure of their unbalance.
Earth's tides are not "pulled" by the moon. Curvature in the pressures of their wave fields which control their balance is the cause of that. And that explains why tides are thrust away from the face of the earth opposite to that of the moon, as well as being thrust toward the moon on its near face.
When tides rise they will perform "work," and they will also perform "work" when they fall, but "work" will cease being performed the moment the motion of either rising or falling ceases.

Likewise, a waterfall will perform "work" while falling but not when waters cease to move.
A storage battery will perform "work" while being charged with increasingly high potential pressures which oppose each other, and it will perform an equal amount while it is discharging to seek the equilibrium pressure which will unite the divided two. When fully discharged it will cease performing "work" because it has found balance in its zero and can no longer move.
In a live electric battery, or in its chemical counterpart such as sodium and chlorine, there are three equators, the central dividing one being the fulcrum of the two extended ones. When the two extended equators of the live electric battery withdraw into their balancing one, the battery is “dead” They have found their eternal stillness.
Likewise their chemical counterparts have ceased to exist as separate elements when they withdraw into their sodium chloride fulcrum. Even though sodium and chlorine have disappeared they still are, for they will as surely reappear as night will follow day.
To recharge the battery, the one dividing equator has to be extended in opposite directions until there are again three before motion is possible. Motion is then not only possible but imperative. [See CAUSE OF THE UNIVERSAL PULSE BEAT for details about batteries.]
The heartbeat of the universe is eternal. So long as the universal heartbeat continues, every divided pair, and every unit of every divided pair, will reappear to express life as surely as it will again disappear in eternal repetitions to express death.
"Work" is not performed by the attraction of matter for matter, nor because of a condition of matter such as heat, which is presumed to be energy. "Work" is performed solely because the electric current, which divides a motionless condition into two unbalanced conditions, sets up two oppositely straining tensions of unrest which must move to release those tensions. [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 19-22]
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