The movement of planets around their suns, and of moons around their planets, has always been an unexplained mystery. In ancient days, even up to the 16th century, it was commonly believed that angels pushed the planets around in their orbits.
It is today quite commonly believed that at the time of the creation of this universe, an initial impulse was given to each planet and moon which was just sufficient to keep each one forever moving around its primary.
The slightest understanding of the nature of the electric current, and its mechanical process of dividing one condition of eternal balance into two opposed conditions of unbalance, would dissipate such a belief.
There are countless billions of suns, earths and moons in the heavens. It could not just "happen" that each of these has just the right initial velocity to keep it in its orbit as a result of the primal cataclysm which is credited with the birth of the universe. That would be too great a cosmic coincidence for acceptance by any reasoning person.
Also such a theory would not bear the weight of so great a disturbing factor of this belief as the fact that no speed of any solar body is constant, as it would have to be to give substance to such a claim. Every solar body is forever, and constantly, varying its speed around its primary.
It varies it in each revolution by going faster for one half, and slower for the other half. It also varies it over its millions of years of motion by gradually slowing its speed of revolution and increasing its speed of rotation as it spirals away from its primary. During these periods, not one of the billions of solar bodies ever goes fast enough to fly off at a tangent from its primary, nor slow enough to fall into it, which in any case could not happen regardless of speed.
In addition to the foregoing is the fact that there never has been a primal cataclysm which created the universe. Electricity does not work that way, and there is no other working force in this universe than the dual electric force.
Electricity expresses its dividing powers equally - and simultaneously. Electricity then grows her effects to maturity and takes them apart to repeat them sequentially.
Also there have been millions of generations of suns, just as there have been millions of generations of men. If the initial impulse theory has any merit, that merit would not apply to descendants ten times ten billion generations removed.
Our moon is not one minute old in cosmic time. It could, therefore, have no "initial impulse".
This is a radial universe and every center of gravity in every solar body is the apex of a conic section. Every satellite of every such body is a radial projection from the equator of its primary.

It first appears as a ring thrown off centrifugally from its parent's equator. The ring becomes a sphere which centers its own wave field within its "ancestor" wave fields, then continues its outward spiral journey for millions of years of ever-slowing speed and ever-changing potential to keep in balance with the ever-changing potential of its wave field.
Our solar system is a good example. Consider Mercury as the latest extension of our sun. It is a very hot and very compressed planet which speeds around its primary in less than three months. When Mercury spirals out to where our earth is, it will take four times as long to make one revolution and it will he about four times as large in volume, for it must gradually expand to keep in balance with the ever-changing equipotential layers of the pressure gradient which reaches out from the sun into space.

When Mercury attains the position of Jupiter, it will be many limes larger and its period of revolution will be many years. Also its period of rotation will speed up as its period of revolution slows down, in order that centripetal and centrifugal effects of polarization will keep their balance with each other.
Likewise, the inner moon of Mars circles its primary every seven hours, while the outer moon takes thirty hours.

All orbits are elliptical for they are angular conic sections. Likewise, all are either centripetal or centrifugal spirals, because their paths are either in the direction of the apex or the base of a cone.
Contradiction in the centripetal direction accounts for increase of speed as planets approach their perihelia, and expansion in the direction of a conical base accounts for decrease in speed of revolution of outer planets, and also for decrease in speed as planets approach their aphelia.
In view of all such very orderly periodicities and processes in the formation of material systems, it seems incredible that a formula such as Newton's hypothesis ever should be thought of as proof that matter attracts matter, or that "initial impulse" accounted for the speed of planetary revolution. [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 45-47]
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See Also
12.02 - Universal Energy Unit Constant or Impulse
3.11 - Introductory Impulse
compound concordant impulses
concordant impulse
consciousness impulse
Creative Impulse
cycloid motion
cycloid motive impulse
cycloid-space-curve system
Divine Impulse
Divine Impulses
electro-magnetic impulse
electromotive force
Electromotive Series
impulse frequency
impulse of activity
Impulse of Being
impulse of creativity
Impulse Response
impulse to move
impulses of creative being
Introductory Impulse
life giving impulse
life impulse
magnetic impulse
mechanical motive impulse
mechanical motive impulse
mechanical starting impulse
motive force
Motive Pole
motive power
naturalesque impulse
New Concept - Regarding "Initial Impulse"
parenting impulse
PERFECT IMPULSES of Creativity and Love
positively surcharged motive
selfish impulses
starting impulse
sympathetic acoustic impulse
sympathetic impulse
system of cycloid-space-curves
The Practical Application of Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion arising from Processes of Cold Oxidation
triple impulses
triple sympathetic vibratory impulse
Universal Creative Impulses of Being
universal impulse