
Markus Ehrenfried

Markus Ehrenfried was born in the 20th century and he will die in the 21st. He lives somewhere in the northern hemisphere. More than 99.9% of his mass consists of protons and neutrons which is why he thinks it is important to understand their spin structure. He is thankful that quarks end electrons have a spin of 1/2 - especially considering that the world would be a pretty boring place if quarks end electrons had integral spin. Markus admires the second law of thermodynamics and tries to comply with it whenever possible. He consumes a considerable amount of caffeine every day and likes cake, cookies and waffles. from his web page

See Also

Ehrenfried's web page

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday September 17, 2013 05:39:17 MDT by Dale Pond.