Law of Variation of Atomic Pitch by Electricity and Magnetism
"Electricity and Magnetism produce internal vibrations in the atom, which are followed by proportional changes in volume and, therefore, pitch." [Keely, 1893]

Commentary October, 2017
A good illustration of this phenomenon is the shrinking of diameter of a quarter subjected to high electric power: - How an 8000V electromagnet can be used to shrink a quarter. The interplay between electric and magnetic forces leads to the Lorentz Force and Faraday’s law of induction which can be used to shrink a quarter, or any other type of metal coin. - shrinking captured with high speed camera. - gallery of photos.
Of course any physical change in diameter will result in a change of pitch. Same for lengths of vibrating strings and depth and diameter of organ pipes.
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See Also
atomic transformation
Keelys Forty Laws
Reciprocating Proportionality