BOSTON, Jan. 3, 1899- Twenty large packing cases have arrived here, containing the material part of the famous Keely motor, Kinraide, an inventor, ordered the boxes removed to his laboratory. There, he will experiment in trying to supply whatever is lacking in the mechanism.
Mr. Kinraide says that he had often talked with Mr. Keely on the principles of his invention.
"He never fully explained the secret of his perpetual motion to me." Said Mr. Kinraide, "but I feel that I know more of the motor than any other man. Mr. Keely, after being taken ill, expressed the wish that I be allowed to carry out his inventions. Before the hour set for the interview had arrived the inventor was past recovery. It was, however, at Mr. Keely's request and that of Mrs. Keely that I have consented to conduct these experiments. I am not a Director of the company; neither am I an employee of the Directors in any sense. I am not hired to do the work which I have undertaken. So far, all I have done has been at my expense."
Mr. Kinraide has authorized the publication of the following:
"I have not nor will I authorize any one to make any statement in private or for publication that will in any way affect the value of the stock of the Keely Motor Company until I have completed my investigation of said Keely motor. All persons speculating in the Keely motor stock do so upon their own responsibility and must hold me blameless in the matter."
Published: January 4, 1899
Copyright © The New York Times
See Also
Keely Chronology
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments