Mr. J. W. Keely, who is alleged to have discovered a water-vapor power many times more powerful than steam, and infinitely cheaper, but hard to utilize because no means have yet been found to make a receiver strong enough to retain it, is in the City endeavoring to procure money to enable him to continue his experiments. An association called the Keely Motor Company has been in existence for several years past, the stockholders of which have so far done nothing, it is said, but spend money without seeing the new power brought into practical use. A meeting of the stockholders was held last evening in Parlor G. of the Fifth-Avenue Hotel. Mr. Keely explained what he had done so far, and what he expects to do, and asked for more money to pay for building an engine suited to his great power. A funny scene was enacted in the vestibule of the hotel upon the adjournment of the meeting. One of the stockholders of the company stood facing the main staircase. He told his friends that Keely had invented “ a big? thing,” and would do something more if “he is given time, money, and metal strong enough for his purpose. The same gentleman said he had spent money to develop “the motor,” and would spend more, but, strangely enough, he greeted each stockholder that descended the staircase with the remark “I'm a victim. Here comes another victim.” What he meant no one in the vestibule appeared to know.?? [Published: June 13, 1878? Copyright © The New York Times]
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