

SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1899, P. 1

Keely Motor Investigation Discontinued by T. B. Kinraide

T. B. Kinraide Will Have No More to Do with It.

BOSTON, May 6.—T. B. Kinraide of Jamaica Plain, to whom the matter was submitted for investigation, has abandoned all work on the Keely motor, and will ship back to the Keely Company all the machines and manuscripts left by the inventor. Since the alleged exposure of duplicity in the Keely laboratory, some time ago, Mr. Kinraide has done no work on the machine. This alleged exposure was considered by him a great breach of confidence on the part of the men who made the statement public, and it brought Mr. Kinraide so much unpleasant notoriety that he made up his mind to have nothing further to do with the motor or the machinery. When asked to-day if he thought the motor was a fraud, he replied:
"I have by no means arrived at any such conclusion, but, under the circumstances, I have decided to make no further investigations.”
Published: May 7, 1899
Copyright © The New York Times

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday March 17, 2024 07:03:27 MDT by Dale Pond.