KEELY AND HIS ALLEGED MOTOR.? Fron the Philadelphia Telegraph, Nov. 1.?? Mr. Keely, of motor fame, yesterday sent to the New York Committee of Directors a statement? of what he proposed to do for them. He proposes that a special committee of the Directors be appointed, to whom he will furnish working drawings of the apparatus, at the same time taking the generator apart and explaining to them its construction. These drawings he proposes shall be placed in some safe deposit company for the use of the stockholders in the event of his death. The Board of Directors are in a state of contention among themselves, the New Yorkers endeavoring to compel Keely to reveal the secret of his vitalizing force, while his Philadelphia friends are urging the discoverer to hold on to his secret until he secures a controlling interest in the stock. If Keely persists in refusing to give up what he knows, it is said that the New Yorkers will take him into court, in the hope that they may compel him to disclose his secret.?? [Published: November 6, 1881?Copyright © The New York Times]